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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/28/2024 in Posts

  1. This Thread is to honor the magnificent TDU Platinum which I have downloaded sometime ago. I have both TDU platinum, and TD2 and in my humble opinion there is non comparison between the two. I am an old style gamer and so I don’t even think I will really like TDU 3 either. So in order to celebrate the excellency of TDU I decided to dedicate a story centered around it. English is not my native language, therefore I hope you will forgive my mistakes and enjoy the story anyway. Scene 1 Guido Sarzani goes to Hawaii This diary is a collection of my official memories starting from that pivotal moment in my life when I decided to leave Italy and to move to Honolulu. It is a record of all the events following that very important decision that really changed my life. My last chance to get that Formula 3 seat has expired last month and my frustration has reached new limits. I decided to move my 200.000 euros to the Manoa Branch of the First Hawaiian Bank and I booked a plane from Rome Fiumicino to Daniel K. Inouye International Airport in Honolulu. Once I bought the ticket and transferred the money to the American bank I cut all my bridges and the decision is irreversible. A recent acquaintance of mine has been a decisive agent who pushed me to make the decision I made. I am talking about Jordan Duro, an Italian American who lives in Honolulu and who was in Rome for a vacation this summer. I met him at the Vallelunga Circuit near Rome where I was conducting my last tests for Baldini Corse F3 team; tests which did not lead to what I was hoping they would lead: a stable seat for next year F3 championship and a paid season for me as a driver by the team sponsors. On my part I failed to bring to the team any sponsor for the next season and that was the end of my business relationship with Baldini. One evening, at dinner with Jordan, while I was expressing all my dismay and frustration for such turn of events, he came out with a weird but interesting proposal. “Like in many other locations in the United States, in the Isle of Oahu there is a club of clandestine car road races.” he said. “It is not Formula 3 or anything like that, but if you can drive you can make money there” I asked him what he exactly meant by that and his answer was that if I could not be paid to drive race cars on a track, I could make money by racing road cars in Oahu Island in the Hawaii. “First of all is the greatest place on earth to live” said Jordan. “It is expensive that’s true; but with the right skills and the right contacts you can make a considerable amount of money there by doing what you like to do. I mean if you like racing, there is a lot of racing on the Island of Oahu” “You mean racing on open roads?” “Uh Uh!” “But that is illegal” “It is illegal but it is also highly remunerative and I have to say unfrtunately, a little bit more dangerous than racing on a track. On the plus side you can be your own racing team, your own boss and do what you want. Most of the races are at night in remote places. I race there, and if I do it, you can do it too. How do you think I pay for my expensive vacations in Italy. If you so choose I can introduce you to the club there” At first I refused to consider such a crazy idea, but then I considered my situation and the more I considered it and the more I thought about Jordan proposal. I gave that proposal a couple of week of thought and at the end I decided that I was desperate enough to make such a move. I had invested all my energies on racing. Starting very young like may with karting. I won the Italian championship three times and yet I was not able to secure a paid season in Formula 3. No degree, no skill other than driving and no perspective in such a crappy job market like the Italian one. And even if could find a job, what kind of job would it be. I didn’t want to end up washing dishes in a pizzeria or something. I decided to invest what I had inherited from my father’s death the year before in the enterprise of moving to the United States. After months of bureaucracy at the US consulate in Milan and after having bought an expensive property in Ka-’ahu Manu east of Honolulu, I managed to secure a temporary green card for two years. “Better than nothing” I thought “In two years, if I manage to make something out of all that, finding a way to stay will be a minor problem”. With that established I finally landed at the Inoue Airport of Honolulu a beautiful spring morning and found Jordan waiting for me at the arrivals. The one way ticket costed me 700 euros and it is the cheapest that I found. Jordan takes me to see my house first of all. We are talking about a 1BR single small house with an independent Garage, which can fit four vehicles. I guess it will come handy for when I will be super rich and able to afford four vehicles. From the Airport to Ka-’aha Manu we travel on Jordan’s yellow Civic R EK9 that he uses to race. It is a good road racer the EK9, no doubt about that. It is also pretty expensive at 25.000 dollars for a car in good conditions. Jordan is a convinced suppoorter of JDMs and according to him there is only one JDM brand worth of consideration; Honda. I don’t necessarily agree with him but I have to admit that Honda is a pretty good brand in the landscape of the imported cars. Jordan is a lithe tall young man, blond dark eyes, he is 23 years old and he is a fairly imaginative guy who always seems to come up with some idea or solution, and when I tell him that I don’t think that I can immediately afford a top line Honda sport car like his Civic R or an Integra, which is even more expensive, he immediately finds a solution: he takes me to Oahu Motors in Palolo where there is an assortment of cheap cars among which I can choose my first racer for my “new career.” They have all kind of assortment at Oahu Motors; from the cheapest little Mazda Miata, to the most expensive import which is a beautiful French Sport Car: a compact and mean looking Peugeot 308 GTi. After much pondering and after having tested a couple of car, I decide to go for a Honda as well; a Civic Si (EM1) a “semi sedan” with a less powerful version of the 1.6 V-Tec that equips Jordan’s car, 185 HP versus 160 of my civic. It’s a good bargain anyway because the car is only 19.000 dollars and I need to keep a buffer for living expenses, car repairs and maintenance and to pay the entry fees in the races. The Shadow Speed Shadow in fact works in the following simple way: you enter a club event and if you are among the first three you go home with a profit, if not you go home losing the money that you put on the table to participate to the race. Then you have to consider the repairs on car, maintenance, fines, and you quickly realize that either you drive well limiting risks as much as you can or you end up broke really, really fast. I believe the Honda Si is a good compromise and has one the best cost to performance ratio among the F cars. The Speed Shadow classifies all vehicles into 7 different classes; from the less performing entry level cars (F class) to the most exclusive hyper cars (A class) like Bugattis, Lamorghinis and other missiles of sort. The remaining two classes are for Motorbikes which are also marginally involved in the activities of the club. The higher the race class, the higher the prize money on the table, the higher the costs to purchase the vehicle and to participate in the events and of course the higher the risks and the profits. There is also a “Vintage” class for gentlemen drivers. It is called G class and it has its own events. The club is a highly secretive organization for obvious reasons. All communications must be done in person and a series of measures are taken to avoid that the police infiltrates their officers into the organization. Truth told Jordan told me that some cops are “infiltrated” in the club, but as members that participate in the events and supplement their meager cop income via the club races. Like I said life in Oahu is very expensive.
    1 point
  2. Hi, Turbo Duck Community. I'm here because I want to experience the old game before going to TDU Solar Crown. I know this seems odd, but I want to experience the original game on Test Drive Unlimited game 1st, then only proceeds to play with TDU Platinum Mod. Can anyone teach me on how to download it so that I can experience the old games? As a Gen Z boy I really wanted to experience old game. Thanks!
    1 point
  3. Excited for this to finally be released - hopefully it's as good as I'm hoping it will be. (Hi to any of the old guard from a decade ago who are still lurking).
    1 point
  4. Hi, it happens when assigning map controls to analog joystick. Without proper calibration, center position is not 100% steady thus preventing game to focus on map item.
    1 point

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