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Everything posted by Eudemon

  1. It's nothing bad, I was just saying that out of the whole squad that Blue hangs with you seem to be actually genuine whereas the rest of them are essentially the one person trying to be something they are not. It's kind of freaky that one person would go to that much trouble to be honest. So thanks for being you basically.

  2. Sounds like some site has it exclusively for tomorrow and then it will be everywhere from Friday.
  3. Umm yeah, erm we'll see, hmm the countdown begins.
  4. Please turn the lights off before you swim, thanks.
  5. 20. Being able to constantly say "Are we there yet?". 21. Pick someone up, get close to the destination then going "That's it I'm turning this thing around and we are going home!". (how annoying would that be)
  6. 13. So you can show people how to drive fast without drifting. 14. Seeing how cool it is to blast down the middle of traffic at high speed. 15. And one for the racers I guess, show off the best lines around a course and such. 16. Oh and of course; ABBA. :cheeky:
  7. Electronic Arts (EA) is the world's leading independent developer and publisher of video games for PC, Wii, Xbox, PlayStation, PSP, and Nintendo DS. Find the latest sports, racing, shooting, puzzle, RPG, kids, strategy, and simulation games at the EA Store, now with more games than ever before available to download! 本站已成为EA公司的合作伙伴之一(暂时) EA,世界领先游戏制作商,平台有PC,WII,XBOX,PS,PSP,NDS等 利益要会员从网站提供链接中进入且购买他们的商品才能生效
  8. Eudemon.org Eudemon.org is a public U.S.A based international Anime community (therefor you're forbidden by the laws of United States of America when using this site) General Rules -No Advertising: You may not post, message or upload any promotion (e.g linking to other sites), commercial product or service -No Spamming: You may not post content that does not relate to the topic, or has worthless meaning, no double posting, no topic bumping, no flooding -No Flaming: You may not insult or attack other member, no discrimination based on any kind of religion, race, sex, political beliefs -No Illegal Activities: You may not post, message or upload any scam, hacking, virus/Trojan, or material obtained copyrighted content -No Adult Content: You may not post, message or upload any non-child safe, sexual or nudity content -No trespassing: You may not post, or upload content to improper category Reporting To report copyright infringement / abuse / spam / hack etc ... 1)You may use the report button under each content 2)You may file a report using our support ticket 3)For report concerning certain moderator(and you don't want them to see it), you may send me a private message Breaking Rules Depending how many times you break the rule, or how hard you break it, the following penalties may apply Post deletion, Warning, Temporary Muting, Temporary ban, Permanent ban Download Section Material copyrighted in the United States is prohibited! Good places to check license states: www.wikipedia.org, it's licensed if there is an U.S. flag right next to "licensed by" Some good practices -Always tag your post, it helps you and others (since tags will show up on popular tag cloud, search item, and similar tagged content) -Enjoy your stay? promote for us (You may choose to earn cash or store credit from it)
  9. u can change ur signature in ur profile since ur signature is alrdy been changed, i assume u now know how to do it
  10. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [iurl=#a]for english description click me[/iurl] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 本次活动完全取决于你是否自愿,也不一定能得论坛奖励,当然对于一些人来说这些都是浮云 如果你想帮助熊国,帮助我们这个小小的社区来更好的服务您,我诚心邀请您参与本次活动 [glow=red,2,300]合签:[/glow] LOGO图会不定期更新, [iurl=#b]见LOGO列表点我[/iurl]当新LOGO放出时会在你的签名里自动更新,在使用下面代码之后 将下面代码复制到,你所在的一些论坛,或者blog,网站的签名等,作为宣传 [url=http://www.kumakuni.com][img=http://www.kumakuni.com/forum/img/frontpage.jpg][/url] 当然,作为组织性效果,也欢迎在本论坛使用这签名 [anchor=a]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/anchor] this is voluntary activity, and it's not guarantee that you will get forum stats, of course for some people these are worthless objects however, if you want to help kumakuni, help our little community to serve you better, i devoutly invite you to join this activity [glow=red,2,300]signature:[/glow] LOGO pictures will be irregular updated, [iurl=#b] to see the list of LOGO picture click me[/iurl] whenever a new logo picture is released, it will automatically appear in your signature, when using below code copy the following codes into your signatures in this and other forums or blogs, websites that you're in, for propagation purpose [url=http://www.kumakuni.com][img=http://www.kumakuni.com/forum/img/frontpage.jpg][/url] [anchor=b]-----------------------List-列表---------------------------------------[/anchor] 请不要用下面列表里的图的链接,使用上面给出的代码 please do not use the url of the photos in follow list, use the code provided above 特别感谢美工-Special thanks to the artwork editors: Eudemon,独言叔,四月一日君尋,gilgameshx,Lialosiu,Mana,Devil [img width=700 height=150]http://public.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pGpyUcKSFV7AthaF8XZqipI13wnnvOMQ3IJ6HWb1A7ZZYpmkIMuXIILmvUsK44_WmctOKhBnXInSkBxXZc0AK-w/frontpage_8.png?psid=1 [img width=700 height=150]http://public.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pxgzA5eUjG20CtdzOsb0fDLeqTr-k53eo7HrnZjP2yhei7ADSG3tsT8Z03I7xMGVQceD6duy4HjoGcYh1HsbuMw/frontpage_7.png?psid=1 [img width=700 height=150]http://public.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pr09aIPC2hRCmAUX6retFVtzeMmULWfc1G-M6HcllyPoAwHHC7u0iNkl1p7GHFbbK5HgKmqY4BpfQJp-MNTodPA/frontpage_6.png?psid=1 [img width=700 height=168]http://public.bay.livefilestore.com/y1paAXJsR2tERzbjtCXrI1xE22Cj_o24mZUpo4w8fQDwJ32DCshVZvK_HVAB6PdY7z4BgB9kYpHBkH0pcN-xONXJQ/frontpage_5.png?psid=1 [img width=700 height=149]http://public.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pT1jUFxmGUN75b0VK9tfVE2Ln59DmaEkwbS4Osmjcbmmw9LOCmYsP73F8L3CFg7HsTs21g56AkMiowzm8m1k4hg/frontpage_4.png?psid=1 [img width=700 height=150]http://public.bay.livefilestore.com/y1psoYzze8GZ-T_evLnqjjFc0QZAQD0wPS3Vthfe2VFhXalnyE9jGtD-h01Gok8g1bIb4EHnWLawvCXcG2nxcKKqA/frontpage_3.jpg?psid=1
  11. Well Thursday or Friday is fair enough, not like there's much difference between those 2.
  12. 首先,图片上传,在发帖回帖里面已经有一个插件帮你自动上传到某个图站得链接的,只是中国用户貌似被封了,或者那图站被墙了 前3个...你能帮我写个这样的系统出来就可以弄,这不是中国的论坛,没那些功能
  13. 放心,迟早大家都会变0的... 目前还在修复BUG中,之前记录下来的会员论坛币将会恢复 ----- 已经修复完成
  14. Renault 5 Turbo would be nice too.
  15. Oh god let me just stop any rumours about peds right here, the pigeon pic is only there because I mentioned pigeons being the update due to the unworthiness of the update itself. There may be pigeons in TDU2 but nothing about peds, ok?
  16. I'm thinking Veyron due to the 2 V8's making a W16, 2 V's make a W and the 2 V's are like V + V = We. lol
  17. O'ahu by the sound of it is unlocked, so whether you need to go back and do challenges and such on it is unknown but it would be good imo if it was, sharing your cars when you've reached that point would be nothing as you would be made of money no doubt and effectively transporting your collection over would not be an issue. I can't wait to see O'ahu in TDU2 with the goodies of night, weather and smoother roads.
  18. If you are trying to post In Mod Requests then that is why. Read the Welcome PM you received.

  19. http://kumakuni.com/forum/index.php?action=announcement;aid=6 其余区已在管理区更新 获得权限的同学会增加浏览管理区权限
  20. Check the first post at the tweet that started this whole trailer coming thing off!
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