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Everything posted by Eudemon

  1. Test Drive Unlimited Small caption on box "No there wasn't another one before this."
  2. Something did break but I fixed it, and you saw it appear because I wanted to get it right so I'm not smashing my head against the keyboard for a couple more hours you ungrateful sods. :D j/p I know you guys appreciate the ...blah blah blah ...
  3. Oh great, watch something else break now. lol
  4. We believe you Iced! :rolleyes:
  5. Those of you will know what I'm talking about, is it better with or without that text showing the Week # with link to Voting thread and then the Winners membername next to it or should it just stay a header? You got 30mins!
  6. Phew, how about now guys? Yes I know it seems a stupid little thing to go after but when you do this for a living you spot these things and want to fix them. Now try try and out the text for the winners back in again! Or should I, hmm let's see what you all think.
  7. BTW Iced only the Processor needs to be filled in to get the list to show. ;)
  8. Opera and Firefox know how to display and render CSS properly, I mean how long does it take IE to show this forum due to it loading all the containers first rather than the content. Ridiculous, but that's annoying me now and I'm surprised noone mentioned it.
  9. Quick question, I hate IE7 with a passion but when testing earlier on for the Gaming Rig specs I had it open to check it was working within it and I have just updated the header to have the POTW Week #9 winner and I've noticed something strange about the Navigation, has it always been that way? Thanks.
  10. You do know there is a 24 hour of the Nurburgring race right? And it's usually 100-200 entrants! And not just the North Loop, it's the whole thing including the F1 track, now that's a track !
  11. Yep you can all thank S71NG3R for this, even if he did request it about 5 months ago. :eek_blue: :twisted:
  12. Yaeh, I maen you do get 5 mnis to cahnge the tlite if you mkae a msitake. ;)
  13. Week 11. F1Ferrari :: Not so much a dumb quote this week but more just a complete dumb moment, in that F1Ferrari posted a thread asking about a Forza 2 video I had done but being that my name is so difficult to spell what with all those long unpronouncable uhh... word he managed to title the thread "Daiblo what is this? LOL".
  14. If there is demand for it then sure it will be added.
  15. Eudemon


    Thanks Iced, I was wondering if it could be linked to anything actually. I'll add it now.
  16. What a surprise, you do know they get spanked by the Aston's in the GT Championship right? :rolleyes: I'll need to think about this one, Sauber C9, Porshe 962C, F40 LM, Audi A4 BTCC, Audi Quattro WRC, man so many choices, this is going to be difficult.
  17. Eudemon


    Ask and you shall receive! As always add your id in your User CP > Edit Profile section and it will show in your posts as well as in your Profile when viewed.
  18. Hey matey just saw it's your bday, hope you had a good one and sorry for how late it was spotted.
  19. Nah it's fine here mate, unless we're specifically told to remove then it can stay here as I have a feeling some people may like where it's heading.
  20. Eudemon

    Error Messages

    If the errors are shown by Guests or Spiders then there's no worry, if it's a member then note their location by hovering over the blue '?' image.
  21. That new mod looks really good, if that person can get it running well on many systems then it adds another new dimension to TDU's gameplay for those that want it. Good to see you kept the warning about it being a beta though mate.
  22. Eudemon


    Yeah I'll add it hopefully today, got some things to take care of including implement something S71NG3R requested so should be fun, if the forum goes down in flames you'll know why. lol
  23. Probably because it's only 160kbps compared to the others which are 192-256kbps. Also remember it's compressed with mp3 and then youtube itself converts it to mono from stereo.
  24. Thanks Iced, the 2 newest videos are at the top. lol The one with Pretender is the original video that I was getting the requests from.
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