Like many of you have said we don't know anything and won't know anything until we are either told or shown it. Could O'ahu be back in yes it could, but at the same time why go back to an island many of us know really well even if it did include a load of new roads. It would be good and like seeing an old friend of course, but if what we have been reading is true, then it appears rather than just loosely basing the roads and such on the location like TDU, TDU2 is in fact going to be extremely close to the actual Ibiza.
Sometimes sequels like to try new things and go a slightly different direction to it's predecessor, these are true sequels they don't just throw the same thing at you and say pay for it again with extra added jam! No they innovate and grow upon the original's success and tbh I can't wait to see just a tropical island setting with dynamic day, night and of course weather. :D
Wish the end of this month would hurry up though! :lol: