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Everything posted by Duns_Inc

  1. Thank you Iced_Donut for a simple explanation in a language that, does not require me to work up a mental sweat. ;) Man, I should have your Avatar. :D PUSH!! EDIT: Something went wrong somehow. :confused: It worked just fine as you said, but I thought it looked a bit grey or pale and I noticed better colours looking through the side windows. So I just wanted to check the original to see if it had been like this all along. But just as I get to the Start Menu screen it CTDs with a "has encountered an error" message. :oook: I've never had any problems with Djey's ModTools before. I chose the "modify filesize" method - should I have "kept filesize" ? But it worked the first time, with the 0bit file. :confused: Of course, I only backed up the "glass_d2.2db" file not the "Common_car.bnk". Reinjecting the original, as I said, doesn't help ... and now reinjecting the 0bit file doesn't either. Is the common_car.bnk supposed to be only 478KB ? I thought it was bigger... Anyone care to help me out of this mess. :o pwetty pwease. EDIT2: While downloading tire rims etc. I just happened to download a common_car.bnk (modded) - I guess the tires are in there. And indeed, it's almost 9MB :eek: Must have been the "modify filesize" method. :confused: Anyone care to confirm if indeed this is an issue, that others should be aware of ? But Backup your "Common_car.bnk" not just the 2db file :) Just follow the instructions and using Djey's ModTools choose the "modify file size" when injecting the 0bit file - start up TDU and confirm that it's working - and then re-inject the original "glass_d2.2db" again choosing "modify file size". See if your Common_car.bnk file gets corrupted too. Meanwhile I'll see if I can at least launch the game again, with new Viper tires I suppose. :thumbsup: I'd still really appreciate it if some kind soul would upload the unmodded common_car.bnk and save me the re-install. :) Cheers (and farts) Daniel
  2. Update Bump Screechless Enzos, Murci's and more. ;)
  3. My first official attempt at an engine sound mod, so do feel free to laud me with praises and tickle my ears with pleasing words. :D No really, I hate flattery. Just say your piece, I can take it. :crying: There are 2 versions, both made from sctrach but somehow ended up sounding alike :confused: perhaps because I was deliberately going in the same direction. There's some occasional issues, but listening to other TransAm mods, I get the feeling that they're inherent to the car - ie. tends to "cut" the sounds very sharply when letting off the gas at certain RPMs - around 4000-4500rpm - this is more pronounced in the "drivers seat" view than the other views, especially if your windows (not MS) are closed. The sound(s) are not really FireBird sounds, but more an attempt to capture the sound and feel of the Trans Am from Smokey And The Bandit - allthough in the movie it doesn't really have ONE sound but several. Sometimes it will be a dry medium-high pitch sound and at other times, deep and roaring! Movies, go figure. :D I tried to reproduce the deep roaring in Version 1. In version 2 I couldn't decide. :drool: Man coffee makes you write alot, here - both versions in one file. And Mp3 soundbites only, cause I drive like crap :cheeky: and I'm not signing up for anything - ever again - dang those pharmaceutical mailing lists. :nuts: Download: http://www.sendspace.com/file/2fl5ha Sound Preview V1: http://www.sendspace.com/file/0c4o98 Sound Preview V2: http://www.sendspace.com/file/u384w5
  4. The pitch on the new version (V3) seems to be even higher than version 2 and the backfire is gone - but I like the charger/turbo sound. :confused: I'm going with version 1 though, I think the engine sound is best on this one and I like the "backfire" when shifting too. :lol: I still say keep the engine sounds, well, all the sounds, from version 1 and just add a louder charger sound. In fact, get a vacuum cleaner :D and record that, up close! I swear it'll sound just like that clip. :thumbsup:
  5. Definitely give it another go. it has potential. Use the lower pitch version and maybe up the pitch ever so slightly - I don't know if it hits maximum RPM in that clip, if it does, then leave the pitch as it is. Keep the backfire and increase the whistling, but not as much as in the clip, I think, it would get annoying, wouldn't it. :confused: It's already a great sound. I'm driving Edonis like never before - I swear the car just got better handling too! :D amazing what waves can do.
  6. Whereas a preview is nice (and convenient) - let us keep some perspective ...and remember who is on the receiving end. ;) It really isn't that hard to right-click a file, choose rename and enter dot-b-a-k. I've tried it - it actually works. :cheeky: Donwloading.....
  7. You're welcome. ;)
  8. If you mean Audacity in English then here: http://audacity.sourceforge.net/download/ If you mean that, the other link isn't working then... :confused: Well, I wanna help, but it seems somebody have gone completely out of their way to remove all traces of the free versions of both Sound Forge and Cool Edit :stinks: (before they were bought up by Sony and Adobe respectively). I still have an old version of CoolEdit '96, I just tried launching it for nostalgia's own sweet sake :excited: and to my great surprise, it actually saves ADPCM without the added "loop data" at the end. Something I can't seem to get newer software to do :confused: someone please teach me :imwithstupid: pwetty please. It's freeware/shareware so I could just upload it to SendSpace or whatever, but many sites and forums, have taken it upon themselves to censure freeware/shareware, for fear of harassment and/or treats from - name your own cyber-bully. I don't want to put TDU Central and the admins thereof in a fight they didn't ask to be in, even if it be on the side of Right. Hope you get Audacity working. :) else, ask an admin about their policy on linking to shareware uploads.
  9. He does! It's just that, he's been playing the game so long that, the super zealous troopers have roadkilled'em'all by now. :D They're heaped up in a ditch near the Edonis/Pagani dealer. :lol: Anyway, I'm really looking forward to this one too. My F40 has been parked in anticipation ever since I heard the preview. :cool: Love your mods Saladine, top quality!
  10. Thanks Sponge, that sounded bloody awesome :eek2: But why did the guy bring his wife ? At least he could've told her to hold off the vacuum cleaning while he was making a recording :D awesome sound :cool: Now, someone make that sound. :monkeydance: EDIT: Did some more Edonis driving and I'm actually really impressed. ;) Quite close to the actual sound from that clip above, just needs to boost the charger whistling by some 20dB :D Almost Saladine quality :cool: you certainly deserve my Rep Point ..... La Portugal..... Un Point ( or whatever :D )
  11. Ok I downloaded and installed Audacity to have a look. Try this: 1. Open "Edit/Preferences" 2. Now click the "File Formats" tab. 3. In the drop-down-box labeled "Uncompressed Export Format" choose: "Other" (the one at the bottom) 4. Leave the "Header" as is (Micro WAVE) :drool: 5. In the drop-down-box labeled "Encoding" choose: Weirdosoft ADPCM. :monkeydance: That should do it, if not I found a free no trial limitation period version of Sound Forge --> http://www.download.com/Sound-Forge/3000-2170_4-8145510.html Daniel
  12. I have no clue what a real Edonis sounds like, but I really like this one. :) Doesn't sound generic - definitely has it's own "character". Good work! :cool:
  13. A great improvement :cool: Now we just need a proper traffic and police AI - so the moms and dads can make it safely home from work, without getting rammed, slammed and hurled - by a swarm of troopers with absolutely no regard for their safety. :nuts:
  14. When you said "the result was: nothing, except an making crazy rush". I took that as meaning nothing=silence. Am I correct ? If so, the silence might well be due to the format. Most programs will, by default, save/export wav files as PCM. ADPCM is a lossy compressed format, not used as default by any program I've ever used, in fact my wav editor cautioned me to backup the original file before saving to a lossy format. If the rushing sound starts at around 7000rpm, maybe it's a charger/turbo sound ?
  15. New version is much improved :cool: I particularly like the "off" sounds, they're awesome. There's just something about the on-sounds that, makes me feel like I'm driving a toy car. Been listening to the clip The Spotter posted and I don't think it's that the sound is actually so high pitch, but rather that it hits a certain resonance frequency that causes the "ear piercing" effect. I tried using the on-sounds from the TDU SoundMod version 2 (from this site) and it worked quite well. But I think you could make it better, try taking a look at them. If you used the on_4000, on_6000 and on_7000 and just slightly upped the pitch on the 6000&7000 and adjusted volume levels to match your off-sounds, wich are perfect "as is", I think the result might be quite close to that clip, without the outdoor-reverb and ear-piercing ofcourse :) unless you can do magic. :lol:
  16. Thanks :) Note: Use Djey's TDUModTools instead of BNK editor and the file will not be truncated. ;)
  17. You've probably saved the waves as PCM. TDU uses MS ADPCM (ACM). If so, the "crazy rushing sound" - was likely ...the wind. :lol:
  18. Did you know that, the MS ADPCM format is .... horrendous ? :monkeydance: Did you know that, you can save the "On High" sound in PCM and TDU will USE IT ! :excited: But if you try to use all PCM files - your car will turn in to a metallic mime. ----------------------------------------------------------------- EDIT: Further attempts reveal that you can use PCM for all the "ON" sounds and also the "Off_High" sound. This varies from car to car, my test subject was the Countach. ----------------------------------------------------------------- This will make it easier to create that "perfect loop" - as the PCM format doesn't add those 0.04sec of data at the end - wich we all know is encrypted intructions to call up the "MotherShip" :lol: aka MS. On that note, would someone more talented than me, please, take a look at this Countach OnHigh sound and see if you can make that "perfect loop". I just Can't do it. :imwithstupid: I think it's from Reilss' version ? It just has the most wonderful dirty scream. :nuts: And please save it in PCM. :thumbsup: Finally, feel free to tell me when I've used up my quota of emoticons. :drool: :stinks:
  19. Sure you can make tea instead Safiro, in fact, I'm going to have some now. I just found some green Earl grey, would believe it ... green Earl Grey. :oook: :D I just now realized the unintentional pun ... :imwithstupid: Maplecars: I was going to invite you to reread the inital post and reply #5 :nuts: but I'll go through it ...again. Look, it's simple. Yes there are more than 2 sounds containing screeching, wich are used for braking, but... But, they are also used for skidding ! What I've done is an attemp to single out the sounds responsible for most of the undesirable screeching brakes, while affecting the skidding as little as possible. So basically, all I've done is replace 2 sounds with a low rumble sorta sound, to immitate the high friction sound of rubber (travelling at 200Mph, weighed down by 2000+ pounds) against asphalt - suddenly coming to a stop, but without actually blocking. And furthermore, to "double" as a skidding effect. It's not perfect, I know, but if you touch the other screeches, you'll ruin the skidding ...almost entirely. Cheers (off to make that green Duke)
  20. Well, if you're already using the patched Bnk1.map (Magic Map), then it ought to at least work. But I use Djey's ModdingTools as it's better at replacing files of different size. I don't drive the exotic cars that much these days, but I think I have a save with the Enzo, I'll load it up. EDIT: Indeed the Enzo does screech a bit, less than before and only at low speed, so don't drive around at 25Mph and brake alot in an Enzo Ferrari. :D Like I said, it's a balancing act - trying to remove the screeching from as many cars as possible, without messing up the skids. It's a shame the Enzo happens to be on the wrong side of the track, but try driving it at Ferrari speeds and you'll see (hear) the screeching brakes are gone.
  21. I decided upon the manual injection method because people may have modified their common.bnk in other aspects. Reading through the ReadMe again, I can't really see, what could have gone wrong - did you remember the last step ? :cheeky: Wich car(s) did you try ? Try again ;) and if there's really a problem, I'll upload a common.bnk - and re-examine my long held belief in "if it works for me - it'll work for you". :confused: Though I've changed my common.bnk further - but I have the original, so I'll compile another if need be. Note: I just tried doing it myself, again, and it worked! again. I realise that, this doesn't help you :D but my original theory still holds. Anyone else care to input ? Don't despair, Sir Fartalot is here ....or there :drool: now where's that coffee.....
  22. A simple attempt to get rid of/minimise the screeching brakes, without loosing the skidding effects. TDU uses some of the same files for both brakes and skids, so a perfect solution is not possible without the elusive official patch. :confused: A balance has to be struck - so I've only touched 2 files, since changing all the sounds used for braking would mean practically no skidding at all. Furthermore, not all cars use the same braking sounds (linked to tire/rim size I think). Some brake screeching still occur, for some cars, mostly at low speeds. Some have been completely "cured". *(Personal opinion) The skidding is actually improved by this change - more rubber against asphalt and a little less "Hollywood". :lol: Enjoy, change, mod, edit, delete as you please. I hope you find it an improvement as I do. Daniel A Super Special Thank You, from me to SALADINE :excited::thumbsup: **V2 UPDATE** Seeing as a lot of people enjoy driving the Murci and the Enzo, for reasons beyond me :cheeky: , neither holds a candle to the timeless Countach :excited: , I decided to make Version 2. In order to alleviate the groaning and misery of this poor misguided crowd. :nanananana: The following is an exerpt from an old document of hoary wisdom I had lying around! :drool: ------------------------------------ Brake Mod for Test Drive Unlimited. ------------------------------------ ------------ Version 2 ------------ Usage: * Backup your "common.bnk" file. * Use Djey's TDUModTools to inject&replace the **appropriate files** into your common.bnk file. (choose "modify file size") * Use Djey's TDUModTools to "Disable File Size Check" (or download/use "Magic Map") * Make coffee ....or other hot beverage ....but not coco - it won't work. :cheeky: Duns Inc. ========================================================================= **Appropriate files** ---------------------- The mod only deals with 3 files, these are: * asphalt_skid_longitudebrakesoft_car_mono.wav * Longituninal_skid_negatif_Mid.wav * Longituninal_skid_negatif_Mid_3.wav There are several versions of these files, the archive structure is as follows: * Originals * - These are the original files extracted from "common.bnk" just in case you forget or ignore my advise. :D * originals 4dB * - the 2 "Longituninal_skid" files increased by 4dB. * Screechless Brakes A * - The files from Version 1, polished to produce a better loop, in case you brake for more than 3.611sec. * Screechless Brakes B * - A new set of screechless brakes - for no good reason. :confused: time well spent I guess. :rolleyes: ========================================================================= Example 1: Inject&Replace "asphalt_skid_longitudebrakesoft_car_mono.wav" & "Longituninal_skid_negatif_Mid.wav" from "Screechless Brakes A or B". Example 2: (if you find that your car of choice is still screeching) Inject&Replace "Longituninal_skid_negatif_Mid_3.wav" from "Screechless Brakes A or B". "Longituninal_skid_negatif_Mid.wav" from "Originals" ** and vice versa ** NOTE: * "asphalt_skid_longitudebrakesoft_car_mono.wav" - once replaced - needs not be swapped, when swapping "Longituninal_skid(s)" * Replacing "Longituninal_skid_negatif_Mid_3.wav" with a screechless sound will significantly impact skidding, to offset this somewhat, I've included a +4dB version of "Longituninal_skid_negatif_Mid.wav" - try it, it helps. ;) * I've also included a +4dB version of "Longituninal_skid_negatif_Mid_3.wav" * You can, of course, replace both "Longituninal_skid(s)" with screechless versions. You won't need to do the occasional swapping - but the skidding will be all but gone. * Too much coffee and cheese can make you fart! a lot! Many friendly greetings Daniel a.k.a Sir Fartalot ( I'll stink-up your car )
  23. I modded this for myself as well, sorry for not sharing it earlier. :( I'm juust about to get some sleep, but as soon as I get up, I'll post it, promise. :) Oh and by the way, Hi Everyone :D nighty night
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