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Everything posted by TIMELESS

  1. Howdy babeh. I call lots of people babeh and offer them Ice Cream, soon I will be back to being... Mr Softie! :welcome:
  2. Wow nice profile! Sorry but..just noticed it. rofl..

  3. BUMP Sorry. What a shame. When I get my laptop I could be joining you on there ;)
  4. Tasteh..
  5. Excited to see meh? Oh..more convo's with Eric :p

  6. ..Move country :cheeky:
  7. Damn unlucky. Buy a turbo, and a turbo badge and say it's a Calibra turbo :cheeky:
  8. You need an Xbox live Gold profile. It costs money but you can get 1 month free.
  9. Cooleo..
  10. I bet this is the fastest car (2 of them) that you will ever see. (period) http://maps.google.co.uk/?ie=UTF8&layer=c&cbll=47.580932,-122.405908&panoid=T3t8alQAwbbRzIMcq5ajmw&cbp=12,288.26841913364547,,0,5&ll=47.610792,-122.372589&spn=0,359.5578&z=11
  11. Ahem..a comment on youtube: "I just bought Rover 220 turbo... its nice car but to be honest Im going back to my old Calibra Turbo"
  12. lmao xD
  13. Veggie..Im in deh 288 babeh. :/
  14. EasyJet FTW..dang..ftl..
  15. That look's awesome! :thumbsup:
  16. Howdy person I don't know..welcome back..person I don't know..
  17. This is my perfect TDU :thumbsup:
  18. Ah! This was my first car in TDU (xbox). I stage 3'd it and loved it. I drove around in manual and with no aids. Such a fantastic car, maybe you will consider joining my club? It's for cruising in Audi's, Mercs, Lexus'..that sort of thing. PM if your a Xbox user, and interested ;)
  19. xD..so does PBD, the inventor of this language.. >.<
  20. Tank's babe ;)

  21. *dreams*
  22. Welcome :welcome: =D I'm Scott and you have no need to make a new account for XBL online ;) Trust meh!
  23. Happy 99th =D

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