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Everything posted by iLLGT3

  1. I'd like to learn to make vectors.. ;) I tried with the magic wand tool but I guess you're supposed to use the pen tool? Too damn hard. I have a real hard time on curves.
  2. It's a motherboard. :) I quite like it so far. My H80 also runs my 2500k at 24C on idle. Love it.
  3. Me? Amazon gift cards/whatever really. :cheeky: And D's video obviously.
  4. Replace the other two. HAHA I'm done with upgrades for this year. I promise. This H80 = 25* idle on stock 2500k. Money.
  5. I'm gonna have to go with Flo on this one. Well done!
  6. My computer is up and running. Had a bit of trouble with the RAM but it's all good now. The board was also telling me that I had a booting problem. I called it a liar.. A few minutes later, I found out that my HDD did not have power. It was not plugged in.
  7. How are you liking the new interface so far? It runs much more smooth and the guide button doesn't take SO LONG to load. :bananadance3:
  8. I'd have to say, that last episode was probably my fav. So much like season one.
  9. Yeah and this board actually works well with CrossFire. x8 x8 insteand of x8 x4..
  10. I think I'm going to do what I should have done in the first place. Buy a Sabertooth P67.
  11. I agree with the voting time. Maybe submissions need to be made by Friday. Voting over the weekend and a new comp announced on Sunday night/Monday and you get the rest.
  12. Damn! I missed this comp! :( TimBud has my vote. :thumbsup:
  13. iLLGT3

    Those are all good BUT that Rainbow Dash one. If people can't make vectors that look like they're out of the show, then they shouldn't make them at all.

    1. iLLGT3

      Link to Christmas ponies pl0x

      1. It may be the RAM too. IDK. I upgraded to another version on Vengeance memory but even if this particular RAM isn't on the "qualified vendor list," the is Corsair RAM there so whatevs.... I found a used P67 Sabertooth for $160. I may buy it, not sure yet.
      2. It's not. The standoffs are built into the case and how hard is it to install ram, really? I'm not the only one with this problem. It's piss-poor build quality on these 3.0 and 3.1 revision boards from ASUS. They're great when they work but they also are apparently a fire hazard.
      4. That's awesome. I'm going to re-install my game to give this a try. Now, what exactly is "TDU2 Unpacked?"
      5. Corsair H80 and Vengeance memory are here. On the same day from 2 different retailers!! Pix in a few..
      6. You're in your undies on the TDUCk TV. I've seen enough.
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