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Everything posted by Ozzmcom

  1. alice cooper for the guest on 1st week too : O
  2. I'll give it another 24 hours, the forum seems abandoned :P
  3. half of the teams are like using bmw anyway:P
  4. Qualifying today! and the race is on 25th to 26th. you can track the cars from here : 24h Rennen am Nrburgring 2011 live streaming links: 24h Rennen Tickets und mehr - 39. ADAC Zurich 24h-Rennen Audi tv http://radiolemans.0157.org/nplayer.php (radio) teams : http://adac.24h-rennen.de/uploads/media/Teilnehmerliste_15_06_2011.pdf
  5. I think that's just for geeks... I might have an old account maybe
  6. yeah I do :P
  7. well I had a similar problem , it smelled like some kind of wire-plasticy burnt and it was the psu
  8. hehe I've posted that one recently, it wasn't released on the original album don't know why because it sounds great.
  9. great clean shots loved the charger one
  10. you said you've tried the same psu, why not try a new one with higher W?
  11. lads from the old eu tdu forums will remember this game we had over there. Thought I'd bring it over here as that forum is dead now. This isn't potw because erm.. it sort of works. And the rules are a bit different. Rules are pretty simple winner sets the theme and then chooses a winner between the entries. Winnner will be decided in 24 hours. Both tdu and tdu2 pics are allowed. I'll allow ps as long as we can recognize the game just for the sake of it. The games are machine gunned with rules here so I better. The rest is the same 350kb and that. have fun! Theme : Cruise
  12. yeah it's a bit mental. Tho i7 has a bigger cache memory which makes that slight difference.
  13. yeah, I think it has the best price-quality combination. 2600k is a bit better but the price difference doesn't worth it I think.
  14. nice, I'm gonna order mines as well some time soon. Pretty similar rig apart from the gfx card.
  15. he might've announced someone in the building is a huge daft cock , meaning male bird obvi
  16. well ryan dunn isn't really my problem, my problem is with people getting credit they don't deserve. forum means people come in and share their thoughts. If we go by your theory don't look at my comment then duh anyway I won't go on much I've said what I wanted to
  17. ofc not , they're both just as guilty, atari for having the worst human resources manager ever and eden for working with atari.
  18. I'm a bit pissed off at this thread , clearence clemons died on the same day and no one noticed it even . All ryan did was hurting himself and then putting it on tv for our amusement. I mean its obviously sad when someone dies but I'm not gonna grow any sympathy for a guy who got drunk and hit a tree.
  19. well eden certainly not getting paid they're on a strike :rofl:
  20. betterthantdu2forums-central
  21. nice one camryt, here's more gilmour
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