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Everything posted by Ozzmcom

  1. you have to acknowladge that the source which manages this is the atari management itself. So when talking underfunded or deadline issues its atari's fault if only a bit eden's fault as well for working with atari.
  2. who cares , only 4-5 people compete every week anyway yet this contest is machine gunned with rules -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) --
  3. see how boored I am -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) --
  4. that's just cheese :P anyway I'll continue with more dio tribute, featuring god aka blackmore again http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRSVwQbKB4s http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwkKNfm3_Gc
  5. you bought a wind tunnel there
  6. weeell... if it was a 250 gt swb or some sort I'd be upset, these cars get destroyed in every lemans race
  7. thx I've never heard of them , it's really good
  8. haha yeah you're right
  9. tell you why f1 has become the crappiest sport of all time in the last 10 years. I think this explains a lot 1400hp, manual gearbox, almost no downforce those were THE drivers.
  10. serious work there, very nice indeed.
  11. in memory of R. James Dio, wow can you believe it has been a year... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6W7jMURpGU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJQQWbr4cXM
  12. well a lot of people me involved reported many bugs and pointed out the physics were the biggest issue, the beta forums were just flooded with reviews . It's just guys at eden didn't want to listen.
  13. great pics loved the 2nd r8 shot
  14. look at it this way tho, tdu1 was a finished product. tdu2 still feels like a beta.
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f80Gs-Gw-WY shame half of the guys who did this are dead now. Dio, Cozy and Blackmore too sort of he has gone folk.
  16. this is why I don't bother posting any pics. No one would pay attention after these:P
  17. I don't think there's a prize involved? I thought this little game was about sharing nice pics. I don't really care if anyone is using ps or not they look good enough.
  18. -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) --
  19. thanks for broadcasting it . I'll post a vid when I murder someone next time then
  20. was a magical moment, shame I couldn't be there . Mind blowing performance
  21. I should really get into that hex editing
  22. I believe I can improve your reference by saying atari's management is very similar to Timberwolve's management. They're both rubbish
  23. great classic there camryt, I believe that album didn't feature Gary Moore still though it's a solid one.
  24. nice one softie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHA3EZHvSWg
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