2 things:
Whether or not the game has a new engine doesn't really matter that much.
It's still written under DX9 so the demands can't be that great. Any high end DX9 card should be sufficient and any cards from a later period will perform even better.
If you're just searching for a low budget solution to play TDU2 on your PC on acceptable resolutions, my previous recommendation will be sufficient.
If your planning a little ahead buy a latest generation card (hell if you want you can get an Nvidia, but that's when you have no interest in value for money...:cool:)
Secondly, the specs required can't be too great since it's an MMORG. DX10 and DX11 requirements would mean a far too little public (meaning too many people would leave this game alone because of the specs) and would mean serious server issues (too many variables, some with DX10, some with DX11 and a lot with DX9)
Besides that there are numerous variations of the same graphics card (OC, Extreme editions, etc..)so pinpoint detailing if it is good enough will be difficult.
In my opinion if you have anything better than a "standard" HD4870 or GTX260 will let you play this game at high settings!!
Note: the SRL site won't recognize all cards anyway, I have an HD4870 ToXiC (OC'ed) and it says my graphic card isn't good enough for the minimum.
If you want a decent advice wait for the demo or Beta and ask around then.