Smart one,really.
Problem is peoples mind.And Modders are people too.Someone wants to work and help,someone prefer to work alone.We can't change that like we can change bank account,look of the house,or color of our cars.But I think we all know that.Really shame is that modders are now competing each other,and flaming between themselves instead of making mods.Look what happened with terzer's vents up/down thread,and then go to poll made by Zubi and you will see realistic picture of what is happening around here...
Really shame.
Btw,modder is the modder.Every modder is doing best he can while making his mod,so every modder is good.From textures to full 3D Modeled-Converted car mods,I don't know why shouldn't we respect them as guys with status?
And about car?Well it can be done by Minime,Tool,me,or someone fourth,mod is a mod,and it is going to be respected,at least by me.