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Everything posted by ScoobSTi

  1. O_O Whoa. I'd hate to see what would happen once you buy TDU2. :eek2:
  2. I think you'd need a modder to mod all the exterior car files. I don't think you could mod all the taillights and headlights like that. I'm not sure though.
  3. Nice job! If only the quality was better since it's from the trailer. Yeah I know but I meant it had nothing to do with racing.
  4. I thought I'd try making one, since I've got nothing to do. I know it's got nothing to do with racing, but I couldn't get a good racing picture. -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- Might make another one if I feel like it later.
  5. Yay! More news about TDU2. This gets better and better! Btw, about what Ryzza said, that confuses me. I too heard we didn't have to pay to fix damages, but we have to pay now? Or what? :confused:
  6. Yeah, I agree with you, but through magazines and Badned, we've got a lot of spoiled information. Almost everything in the trailer is not new at all. Just some minor things are new.
  7. It's a nice and interesting idea. I just don't like the availability, like what CLR said. This might also prevent money trainers from being overpowered.
  8. I didn't since my current computer is horrible. 1 second choppy frames. :(
  9. I'm gonna try the Volkswagen. Murc seems a bit hard.
  10. Semi-sim. I just don't want it to be too realistic and/or too fake. Right now it's pretty hard to tell since they keep spinning out constantly and they show onlt a few seconds of cockpit driving.
  11. Send a pigeon army! Make them poop on his screen until the game can't be visible. :thumbsup: Oh, and they should cut the wires with their beaks so the power dies and stuff. That's what he gets for toying with us...:cheeky:
  12. YES! Finally! Skeptic times are now over! Now, the only thing I need to do right now is get on a good computer that does NOT show one second frames and has working sound. :cry:
  13. Nice find! This'll keep me occupied for a while. I get bored very quickly nowadays. :cheeky:
  14. For me it's like a year difference! :cry: Unless my day goes well, then yeah. Anyway, watch, they're gonna delay it again.
  15. Hehe lol, but as annoying as it is, we'll just have to wait until the trailer comes out, or more pics come out. Or if Badned corrects us and puts another clue in his sig...
  16. I think I got it! Your sig says "We sixteen", and I'm thinking Chrysler MeFourTwelve. Me plural is we and 4+12=16. mirite? :D Anyway, on topic now, this news is really going by pretty slow. :oook: Trailer is still not out yet and who knows? They might delay again.
  17. Hah, that seems true but CLR-GTR pretty much explained it. :3 Wow lol. :confused:
  18. They should just tell us the truth and we'll finally know it'll come out in like June or something. :cheeky:
  19. :bump: I've added the new pictures to the post! Check them out. Also, that conspiracy thing I said, I'm not even sure if it's an actual TDU2 image, so sorry if it's not.
  20. I'd say both lol. Good - Plenty of more fun - It'd really be 2.5x bigger than TDU Bad - It might take us a long time for us to be able to drive an an island we all drove on years ago...
  21. Lol it actually looks like it. Uh, my guess is VW Golf GTi?
  22. Oh come on! I was so excited to see if the trailer came out, so I go here and I see "coming next week" and all of a sudden I'm like ":mad: FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU"! *Sigh* Remember the "s**n" joke? Well it happened. Again. :cry:
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