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Everything posted by ScoobSTi

  1. Yeah, it's probably because they have different road types, like paved roads and dirt roads. I think the seats ere like that because of the character having to sit in a certain spot and they modelled the driver's seat closer to the front to prevent abnormalties with the camera. That's my opinion, but I'm not sure. Also about the clock, that's gonna take a lot of work if most of the cars have interior clocks.
  2. It doesn't matter for me, but I guess it should be in the game, they just shouldn't overdo it.
  3. GAH! This has been another long day for me. :mad: Once I get home from school tomorrow, I'm immediately going on here, TDU2.com, and YouTube to look for the trailer. :) I can't wait!
  4. F-Friday? Oh come on. It took like a lifetime for me to get through Monday up until now. This week is going by pretty slow for me. :crying: But anyway, I hope to see some good stuff.
  5. I noticed that too. I actually thought it was an angle of the interior. And as for the similar issue in TDU, I'm not sure. I don't really own any Aston.
  6. Yeah I forgot about the Viper badge lighting up. Thanks for pointing it out. And about the interior of the Apollo, I noticed not all the colors matched, so it must've been a different interior. Oops, I forgot that and the other Apollo image. :rolleyes: Also when you mentioned the turning on/off of the headlights, I meant if we had total control, like turning it off at night. Some magazine said it automatically turned on at night.
  7. Hi all, basically what I'm doing in this thread is showing all the newly released screenshots of TDU2 and giving my opinions and suggestions on what should be improved or what the community wants. You can also post some if you like and I'll add it to the list. - Smoke seems to surround the Viper as if it was drifting but there are no skidmarks to be found on the ground. This screenshot seems to have been visually modified also. Note the background is blurry and the wheels are not. If the Viper was stationary during the shoot, this would be a logical explanation. Also, the Viper badge on the trunk lights up. - For those of you talking about wanting a proper Aston Martin, here you go! The license plate seems to just be TDU2 (but probably only for now). - This screenshot looks heavily modified. Unless Atari modified the ability of the picture taker in the game, the blurs seem to be fake and not from the game. I might be wrong on this though. Also the lighting and reflections make it look very realistic. - Here we see the 4th Viper picture (counting the very first ones from March). It's during nighttime and the headlights are turned on. Hopefully we can turn them on and off. Also the headlights actually shine against the ground. The part of the street in front of the car is actually brighter. Now we know the lights actually brighten the road, unlike TDU. Note the wheels being blurred. - This is the interior of the DBS. The lighting as you can see drastically improved from TDU. Unless it was my computer's fault, the shadows in the cockpit were a bunch of squares when the lines were diagonal. Now the diagonal parts are smooth. The texture and stitching seems realistic, just like the magazines mentioned. Note, this might be the passenger cam of the DBS. This might not be correct, because there are other possible explanations, such as this being from the photomode, or this being from a console of some sort allowing the user to move the camera around only for pre-release pictures (this is a similar method for almost all new games). - This is a Dodge Charger SRT-8. It is one of the cars that were newly previewed in a magazine posted with some scans on this forum too. As you can see, the headlights are on, which means we have control over them. The car is also airborne and dirt is flying everywhere behind it. And again, the car is in motion, but the wheels are not blurred. This might be repeated in TDU2 as it was in the first TDU. Note the headlights seem to be on, but the lights in the front bumper are not on. - This is the exterior of a Gumpert Apollo and both doors are open. This might be a real ingame shot, or it might be the real model car with a rendered background. It might be in a garage of some sort, or maybe from the Trade menu. (In TDU, different cars appeared with different colors.) - Here is an Audi Q7. There has been a different name mentioned, but let's just say Q7. It's pretty small, but you can actually see it offroad. An also, another interesting detail. Mud. Mud is splattered all over the grill and the bumper. - Viper (again) with the door open. It's hard, but you can see the interior. It's resized so it's hard to see. Atari probably reused the TDU models or made it from scratch. - Here is the Gumpert Apollo interior. At first I thought it was the 458 Italia, but to be sure I Google'd the images. I found out this is a Gumpert Apollo. It looks pretty accurate thanks to Google and hopefully all the other cars will be the same. Compared to the real life picture of the Apollo, the passenger side dashboard seems shiny, as if it was metal. This is wrong because in real life, that area is made of leather. Another explanation for this is that it was a different choice for the interior. Sorry, I made a mistake. The text in black is totally wrong. I noticed that the shine on the dashboard was actually the "3D bevel" of the image. It did not come from the car itself. <Reference for depiction of above picture> - I found a picture of an Apollo's interior with the same interior color and almost the same angle. Everything seems correct in the TDU2 picture. -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- - Another pic of a DBS. Bad quality picture, but you can see smoke/dust flying from the back of the car. The car's headlights are on because in the front of the car, there's a brighter area. -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- TOP LEFT - A lot of couches. This might be a clubhouse. Two levels, and a lot of rooms inside. TOP RIGHT - A really big house and an entrance to the outdoors with a big pool. Again, might be a clubhouse. We'll be able to walk around this beauty soon. :D BOTTOM LEFT - Seems to either be outdoors or have really clean windows. I doubt it's outside though. What if there's a storm? :confused: BOTTOM RIGHT - Modern place for your character. The layout of the the furniture is probably a sign of the customization. -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- - Green Lancia Delta Integrale. It's offroad, and it seems to be raining. This is probably back in Oahu. Headlights and foglights are turned on. Also the water splash looks a bit 2D. -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- TOP LEFT - Garage picture. There's the Gumpert Apollo (again, but with one door open?), Audi TTS Roadster (the roof could've been taken down), an Aston Martin (DBS?), possibly a Ford GT, a Viper SRT 10, and I can't recognize that black car (sedan?). The TTS seems to have a custom color, like those you could get from TDU's deluxe paintshops. But, this might be an actual color the TTS is sold in. The older TTS picture, there was an orange and red iridescent coupe. BOTTOM LEFT - Another interior of an Apollo. Steering wheel colors are different from the real life picture, just like someone stated below. RIGHT SIDE - Ooh, we've got some cars in action. From left to right, we've got an AMV8 Vantage, a DBS, and a Viper SRT 10. It's nighttime, headlights are on, and someone noticed the "glow" in the DBS rear disk brakes. Not sure if they are actually glowing. -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- - We've got a girl character and there are some menus surrounding her, all showing progress of the game. Not much to notice though...except for the "99/61" glitch that someone else saw. - A matte black Gumpert Apollo. The wheels are turned and you can see the avatar inside. He turns his head just like in TDU. - Image from GameProphets. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to have this picture up here, but anyway, I think it's the eastern tip of Oahu, where the secret island is. It's also present in this picture, but it looks a bit different. - Another pic from GameProphets. This picture seems to be the south eastern part of Oahu. If you know where I'm talking about, it's along the big highway, kind of around the Volkswagen dealership. One thing that confuses me is that this image seems to have been used in the original TDU map. If you click here, look for the purple outline on the bottom right of the map. Once you've found it, look for the image on the top right of the purple square. Looks pretty much the same, right? Hmm. Conspiracy? Sorry, I'm not sure if this is a TDU2 pic, or if it's a TDU pic reused for TDU2. - Last pic from GameProphets. This is a picture of a highly detailed building on Oahu. This building looks awfully similar to the 3D building models some of you might've seen about a year or two ago. As we can see, it's actually being used. It's got a good quality and texture and also, the SUV in front of the building is the same as one of TDU's traffic model. Atari might've reused the model to save time probably. <Community Wants> - Working wipers - Functioning lights - Improved photomode - Realistic physics Anyway guys, that's it for now. I'm tired. Once new pics get released, I'll post them and analyze. :thumbsup:
  8. I'm voting for Maple. It's got a nice Aston style. :cheeky:
  9. OMG YAY! NICE FIND! Btw it works for me! :thumbsup: +Rep!
  10. Aw come on! If only I had the money. Btw, I don't think anyone here from the US is from Cali.
  11. Awesome! Too bad it's basically the same, they just made it shiny and some parts orange.
  12. Nice mod! Btw, mod template please. Also that interior texture seems a bit bright, don't you think?
  13. OMG YAY! I CAN'T WAIT! It's almost summer which means time will fly by literally so before ya know it TDU2 will be out in stores. :D
  14. No pic again but I saw a Roush 427R. Thought it was a modded Saleen at first. Btw it had a handicapped license plate so it made me go : :confused:
  15. Lol I'm with ya! Only if I get my new computer by the time it comes out. :damnit:
  16. I hope it's as epic as the MW2 and BC2 trailers. :D Actually the very first MW2 trailer where everything was green like it was night vision was weird. Anyway, I hope they show more cars so we can add some to the car list and I'm really mad they're not showing any sign of bikes. Hopefully they'll show going off-road and some of the new features.
  17. No pics, but I saw 2 Porsche Panamera's and a Maserati Granturismo. The Panamera's were awesome! :thumbsup:
  18. Yeah I actually thought about this in a different thread, and I decided to think it thoroughly and post it here if it seemed worthy of possibly making it into the game. Anyway, I thought of something like if we made signatures and graphics maybe with our name or something on it, we could be able to use the game and upload the image and put it on a car of our choice. Let's say, I had an Audi TTS, and I wanted to put "LOL" on the roof, I would type it in on MSPaint/Gimp/Photoshop/Paint.net/etc. and upload it using the game. From there, I could customize the visuals of my TTS and slap the image of my name on the car and move it to a certain place. So basically, this would be like NFS' vinyl editor by moving. So, whaddya think? Btw, I know it's long, and sometimes I'm bad at explaining...so...:ill:
  19. Hell, if that was featured, I'd try Gimp or Photoshop too! :D Ya know what, it'd be cool to have a vinyl on your car made from a graphics software, like if you created it, you could upload it. Hmm, that's gonna be a suggestion. :cheeky:
  20. Nice job! This will help people who are having trouble with installing the mod like you said, and hopefully I can still play TDU without it crashing/lagging... :cheeky:
  21. - Will there be an online subscription fee? Not sure if this was asked, but it's not in the list atm, so probably not?
  22. Nice! Finally, we got a truck/SUV modder for us. :thumbsup:
  23. What do you mean "can't be hit"? How would that be possible? If they were to be on the sidewalks, there'd either have to be an invisible map barrier or some racing barrier which would be stupid. Although, I would like pedestrians to be in the game though, but I just don't see how you wouldn't be able to hit them.
  24. A Yatch house seems very cool. Also driving the boat, it would be cool and probably impossible, but then again..."Unlimited"...:twisted:. Also it'd probably really expensive or you might have to unlock it, so it'd be worth the time and effort. Anyone think getting in the jacuzzi with your friends is cool? Maybe it should be included? :oook:
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