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Everything posted by ScoobSTi

  1. The map is extremely scaled down, yes, but hey, at least we aren't confined to a very tiny island anymore! Or two islands with crappy physics and modeling which caused us to crash into invisible walls. Or two islands with crappy physics and modeling which caused us to completely hate the game. Or two islands with crappy networking which caused us to crash into others. Or two islands with crappy networking which caused the server itself to crash. I could go all day.
  2. Interesting... but I believe the Alpha ends soon. :hmmm:
  3. Another Rainmeter suite I'm working on. Arma 3 inspired. :) (Yes, the play button works!) http://i737.photobucket.com/albums/xx20/ScoobSTi/1_zpsd191c5da.png~original
  4. Nice! Mind if I ask what phone? :)
  5. ^ I nearly choked on my water watching that! :evil:
  6. I put in the proper coding and it says "Video Does Not Exist". :p
  7. This should be more "America by an American". :p Also, someone replied to the above picture with this and a caption saying "Australia by an American".
  8. Diab's rate of work = that of Atari :nods:
  9. Lolol, joke's on you because it doesn't work for me! ;)
  10. NSFW .GIF (1 bad word, it contains football (soccer))
  11. We're probably the last forum in existence with TDU in its directory. :hmmm: Don't even bring up the Atari forums. :lol:
  12. http://i737.photobucket.com/albums/xx20/ScoobSTi/107410_screenshots_2013-06-03_00014_zpsb10388a0.jpg~original
  13. If you have fallen off your chair reading the title and gotten back on it (like I did), prepare to fall off it again! :yay: We'll just have to wait 'til tomorrow, or later today for some of you. Also, there's this. Looks like the story will continue from Human Revolution, and they've kept the same graphical stuff.
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