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Status Updates posted by ScoobSTi

  1. Thanks! :p That's basically my user title , btw. :cheeky:

  2. Thanks! Do you want to help beta test when I get it into the game? :)

  3. Thanks! I get bored often. :p

  4. Thanks. :) I'll see when I have time to start it. Anyways, have you got some bizarre weather up there? My GNow update is making me smile a lot atm.

  5. That's alright. I forgot about it lol. :lol:

  6. That's weird. I still have some pretty old PM's. And that other one, *drools*.

  7. The 4.1.2 CM10 ROM for my phone now has 911 calling! :D Time to updgrade? :yay:

  8. The music skins control iTunes. In the future, the settings skin will allow you to choose which one you want. The apps button glows when you hover, and quickly flashes blue when you click it. If it doesn't, something must be wrong.

  9. They already do over here. :) Ever hear of natural selection? Some dude mixed genes from a bird and a pig and it worked somehow. :cheeky:

  10. They're so easy to get in and out of, you know!

  11. This should help you a bit.

  12. Trying to implement Google Calendar into the skin atm. :) I hope to get the GNow skin to show the event like it actually does in real life. :D

  13. Update is up! :D Brand spankin' new (I need to stay off Jalopnik if I keep saying that :fp:) GNow is awesome. I've already got ideas for the next version, which might feature the "cards" the real GNow has. ;)

  14. v :lol: That's a great sig! Fits you well, Andai. :hmmm:

  15. Watch your potty language!

  16. Weird, I removed the Holo Light stuff. :hmmm: Also, can't believe I forgot to mention the biggest update. :fp2: The skin now runs in "full screen", which should work properly if you select autohide on the Windows taskbar. It might not be preferred by all users, so I'll probably have to make 2 versions: one for no taskbar and one with.

  17. Welcome to TDUCk, Programer!

  18. What, you're a robot nao?

  19. What's the resolution of the monitor you use for skin testing? I want to mention the size in the skin's FAQ as to why something might look out of place.

  20. Who are you again? :cheeky:

  21. Who's your founding father?

  22. Why so many effects? Because Volvo S60 Polestar Concept. Avatar Sig You can add your own text. :p

  23. Why yes, I have. And I am enjoying it very much! :D My name's ScoobSTi on there. You can add me, or if you can't, I assume your name is Andreaz1? :p

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