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Everything posted by Beav

  1. Nice shot Kelv. I need to get some photos uploaded. Im playing to much MW3 at the moment. Only play it with mates but they seem to be online a lot recently
  2. Welcome to the forum :)
  3. Propper driving http://kelvjy.1g.fi/kuvat/Games/dqwfdqwf.jpg/_smaller.jpg?hash=6455 Whats the point in just thrashing it up at hill when you can go sideways and use the side windows to look infront of you ;)
  4. Got the GTX460 graphics card, installed the drivers of the disc and away to go. TDU works again! :)
  5. Just phoned head office. What a load of rubbish. They just said well the voucher has to be spent by xmas eve so if we printed you another one it wouldn't be valid. I said it wasn't my fault I didn't get it and they just kept saying well if we get you another it won't be valid. I ended up saying management is rubbish where I work. I also asked "so should I ask for it next time then because usually you don't ASK for your Christmas present" lol.
  6. http://img252.imageshack.us/img252/8622/20120102133556.jpg Brilliant ;)
  7. haha! Pain thats its a different height.
  8. ooo http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7143/6635578615_b839703dc5_z.jpg
  9. Comb@t's defo the man when it comes to modding now a days :D
  10. http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7171/6661071445_b3582c2d65_z.jpg http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7003/6661074417_154473e1a0_z.jpg :drool:
  11. Believe it or not that silver monitor slipped of the desk before. Wasn't on the stand properly. The bolt snapped a while back. Im pretty sure a nut and bolt will sort it out so ile look at getting it sorted this week.
  12. http://i174.photobucket.com/albums/w82/Beaver69_photos/Setup/IMAG0104.jpg Went Dual Screen: -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) --
  13. Well the whole store is part-time. Apart from the manager who does 5 days a week with 10hour shifts. Ive only done 4-10 hours a week for the past 5months. The main problem I have is the assistant manager was mean't to give it to me and she didn't so why should she get away with it. She was off sick which is fair enough but the place I work for is so un-organised, she should have told the manager she was off and couldn't give it to me and something else should be sorted out. Ile ring head office tomorrow and explain.
  14. Don't have one. Noone sticks to them anyway. A lot of people have "get fit as one" but I already train anyway :D
  15. Thanks bud. I must take some more soon :)
  16. Hello. At work we get a £50 voucher for Christmas. The manager thought the assistant manager had given me my voucher but she hadn't. I thought "we are late getting our vouchers this year" so I asked about it when I worked boxing day. The manager then said "ile have to ask the area manager if you can still spend it". The area manager said "no, it was meant to be spent xmas eve" Im thinking about ringing head office because its not on. Everyone had theres given to them apart from me. Any ideas? PS for those of you on overclockers I have posted this thread there too :twisted:
  17. http://i403.photobucket.com/albums/pp117/mistermojo28/015_edit.jpg?t=1325884196 Nice photo!
  18. I see Asians like to squat Ryzza! haha
  19. http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/5782/dscn7740f.th.jpg :drool:
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