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Everything posted by iNotACactus

  1. I have to bring my own? :panic: *steals Diablo's jam*
  2. Jam? Where's the jam? :drool:
  3. I do apologize that I couldn't make it, forgot to reactivate my iPod's alarm clock after having it turned off for the week.
  4. Is there anything else to do on the Nurburgring? :lol:

    1. That's $84AU mind you, which is $85US. Also I do recognize they've always had ads, it's just that now it's more annoying. Also they've put them in Xbox.com now and my adblock I use on that site won't work on them.
    2. Whoa-kay, back to topic now! :para: I've bought some K-Cups for my Keurig. Got some donut-flavored coffee, some hot apple cider, and some black tea. :c: (A picture would go here if I could be arsed)
    3. Doesn't change the fact that giving Microsoft x amount of money/yr (which is a ripoff in itself for what XBL provides) should make them have no financial need to attempt to make even more money off its customers through the use of ads. It's a matter of putting customer satisfaction over greed, and M$ has never recently done anything that they didn't see money in doing.
    4. Ah, that wasn't official. That's still a failure of release date though. :hmmm:
    5. Well I was actually considering buying this, but not if Atari has the slightest thing to do with it. The first things related to the game being GIF files isn't exactly promising. :(
    6. I see someone else is enjoying their Virage? I've got mine in the same color. :bow:
    7. Most Prone to Changing Thread Topics? :boss:
    8. Quite like those 1M shots! Also as far as liveries on your SLS, definitely go with the Skyrim one.
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