Aww, Honey...
If you like to be literally raped in daylight, that's your problem.
If you don't get the metaphor, that's also your problem.
I'm not going to pay for some DLC's of the Vehicles, that already are in the Game Database, or they could be done within few more weeks from the premiere.
Or some exclusives, bull poo.
Handling is crappy (Please, just don't. Don't even try to humiliate yourself, saying that i don't play on a Steering Wheel or a Pad. It just sucks.), there are less cars than in the first game, it doesn't have the same climate as the first one, and after all - it's just like a bad hangover after the first TDU with some social aspects as a Cherry on the top of a Pie.
Deal with it, keep living with hope that it'll get better, or just keep lying to yourself that this game is somehow better.
It isn't.
Oh, wait.
Yeah - Right.
It's just my opinion, and you also have to deal with it.
What the hell does an idealistic life, have to money-greedy butt tricks, such as releasing DLC's which just unlock the data already included on the disk?
I rather do some modding.