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Everything posted by MephistoRacing

  1. ^Haha, I would drive that in TDU :p What's it from?
  2. Yeah, that'd be cool man, will probably be a while before there's even a beta release though :p Once we have something ready I'll let you know for sure though

    1. There's something about that moon picture, that just makes it great. :p I can haz grasshopper? You know I can! (I can also be too lazy to re-size ;D) http://s173.photobucket.com/albums/w41/acid44/?action=view&current=IMG_0602.jpg
    2. Hey, thanks a lot man. If there's anything you'd be interested in doing, let me know, I'm actually considering starting a modding group with a few people. Even if it's just beta testing, ect. Any help is appreciated :p

      1. I like it O_o From that angle anyways, could be a whole different story from the side :p Nice photo t.
      2. Thanks man, made a huge mistake and so that'll be the final version unless there is HUGE demand to restart though :( EDIT: Edited wrong thread :p
      3. It's just cause it's been a few years since I've opened maya, I'm on the right track with this car :p (Test render coming shortly) EDIT: Test renders for ya http://s173.photobucket.com/albums/w41/acid44/Prelude/ EDIT 2: What rims would you like on this? I cant find many good refs for the stock ones, and they're boring anyways :p EDIT 3: I'm thinking these wheels, but with a 5 bolt design instead of 10 :p EDIT 4: Got bored, made the OZ F1 Racing wheel... Temporary texture 'till I can get a real one painted :p http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w41/acid44/Prelude/OZ_Racing_F1_TEST_1.png --------------------------------------------------------------- EDIT 5: Update. Did some of the roof, and did the logo, not much, but it's a step forward :p Click to enlarge. Real thing http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w41/acid44/Prelude/th_prelude_ref_1.jpg Compare to mine http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w41/acid44/Prelude/th_Prelude_Test_5.png http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w41/acid44/Prelude/th_Wires.png http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w41/acid44/Prelude/th_Prelude_Test_6.png Sorry for the super long post, but didn't want to double post :p EDIT: Just to make this post even MORE EPIC LONG Updates. http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w41/acid44/Prelude/th_Prelude_Test_7.png http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w41/acid44/Prelude/th_Prelude_Test_8.png http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w41/acid44/Prelude/th_Prelude_Test_9.png
      4. I'll have a crack at this, the Saxo didn't go too well cause I messed up a few times, but I actually like the body of this one, so we'll see how it goes. Also, I just want a cookie right now >_<
      5. Album updated. http://s173.photobucket.com/albums/w41/acid44/Saxo/ Just sorting a few things out, then (hopefully) it's into TDU!
      6. Not necessarily, the photo can always be traced back to the program used to make it, and if they edit the photo you could just show your model to whoever's questioning it Better name: The Astoghini Marventon.
      7. Have you tried sending him a message? Are you sure this isn't just an issue on your end? It doesn't seem other people have had problems with it.
      8. I'm currently working on a Saxo and getting through the interior now, so I was wondering how many UV maps there can be, is it just one for exterior and one for interior? Explain please :p Shameless bump. If the modders here aren't willing to take requests, you could at least help those trying to. [mod edit:] Please do not double post, use the edit button, thanks!
      9. Sweet. can't go wrong with having extra beta testers ;D The problem I'm having right now is gauges actually, no idea how I'm supposed to set them up as far as modeling goes :p That and initiative, it's starting to get to be really tedious work...
      10. Been listening to Velvet Acid Christ for the last 5 hours or so, it all started with this song Contains coarse language.
      11. Kay :3 Probably not gonna work on it any more though... Just maybe a few renders, then get MetalShredder7 to convert :p Gallery http://s173.photobucket.com/albums/w41/acid44/Concept/ Preview of the final so far. (EDIT: By the way, this is at the in-game level of smoothing) ------------------------- http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w41/acid44/Concept/concept12.png
      12. This could well end up being the first car I actually complete. Updates. http://s173.photobucket.com/albums/w41/acid44/Saxo/
      13. Don't like the HAF-X :S 932 looked better IMO :p Looks like it'll be a top notch rig though
      14. I'm in, already got a concept Opel Speedster near completion... Not the best quality but... meh... Hopefully some others will show interest and we can actually get something going
      15. I agree. In recent years it's become VERY hard for me to find a game I actually enjoy. Now I've even started to just go for graphics sometimes, simply because it's better than buying a modern crap game with no graphics.
      16. Been working on something else tonight that may or may not end up being converted... A concept base on the Opel Speedster... Just went with the flow, no planning at all :p Start from the end of the album and work your way to the beginning to see it come together ;D (Except for the first 2 in the folder, which are supposed to be numbers 3 and 4) http://s173.photobucket.com/albums/w41/acid44/Concept/ BTW, the Saxo is still in progress, just more slowly now
      17. OBJ fails, use FBX to go from maya/lightwave/any other high end program to another
      18. What file types can Zmod import?
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