The differences are only in the amount of things you can do, buy more cars for example and visit more shops in general, driving hasn't changed at all. It's more aimed at arcade type of gaming, of course TDU 1 was aimed at arcade'ish style as well, but it worked better, this just is super arcade, like Burnout or something along those lines. Everything in the game works fine, apart from driving, which is just numb, no feel, nothing, where as TDU 1 had some sort of a feel of the cars, their weight, inertia, weight shift etc. All is lacking in TDU 2.
And yes, another negative one, because I don't think there is a rule that I have to be happy with a game and talk sunshine and butterflies about it. No, I hit my children because I love them (Note, I don't have children, it's just a saying), criticism isn't bad, unless you're one of those fanboys, around which you can't talk anything bad or they'll bite your face off in a second, you have to tickle their ballsacks and keep telling them how handsome and great they are. (This wasn't aimed at Lordstig)
And now that I'm watching these videos, he might be playing a newer build, but I can see that driving hasn't changed.
I'll believe in the power of Jesus Christ only when the game comes out with better driving physics, then I'll admit I was wrong about what I was saying here.