Newest version
TDU2 Shadow Fix 3.rar
my own personal settings, properly scaled for performance from Low to Very High
some changes in resolutions and distances, should make for smoother gameplay without noticeable decrease of quality. and as always, shadow distance is increased that u cannot see them draw
TDU2 Framerate fix ONLY
This one is for Ghost and anyone else, who wants ONLY DECREASE IN SHADOW QUALITY (better performance) and no increase of distance
So JUST worse shadows, but it should give u smoother play
TDU2 Shadow Fix 2.rar
Release Info: TDU2 Shadows + Framerate Fix by Ichibu
Use this if you:
A) See shadows appearing as you drive and dont want to
B) Want better framerates
This should make your shadows draw in a lot further away now, thus improving immersion, while lowering the quality of the shadows to improve performance.
They now draw a fair bit further than on Environment quality "Very High", on all Env quality settings
This probably wont work online as i think i read the TDU2 launcher checks your files and downloads original copies of any modded files so it seems this works for offline players only
To be sure this works its probably best to block UpLauncher.exe from accessing the internet at all!
(Apparently u can move the files after the launcher check to make this work online)
Put the included files in your main Test Drive Unlimited 2\ directory.
Make backups of your original Shadows.cpr, Quality_Settings.cpr and your savegame - just incase!
IMPORTANT: You may have to change Env Quality to activate the new config
WARNING: Theres always a chance youll get banned for using this online for some reason so dont blame me if u do
WARNING: backup your savegame and all related files before using this as a user claims to have experienced savegame corruption
i havent seen a shadow draw once now and i now am never lagging on 1680x1050 @4xAA all settings on High where before on 1360x768 0xAA w Very high Env and all else on Low i was lagging more and even still seeing shadows draw in :)
No Shadows mod
For those who wants no shadows at all for some reason, here u go
TDU2 No Shadows.rar
it actually doesnt look much worse at all and probably give huge frames boost ( i didnt check that)
(this a repost w more appropriate title)