Hellom, how are yall doing, I just started playing SLRR adays ago, and I saw this eg6 hatch, Which I would love if someone putted it exactly like that how it looks in those pictures... I would really stay bulding it if I knew how to make mods, but I dont, and i dont think anyone wants to be a teacher :( ....
back, eather like this, or with just a spoon lip
Front and sides like this, or with a spoon jdm lip please
And here is the EK hatch
ek hatch back, looks perfectly beautiful
I would really love to have this two cars because I am in love with JDM cars, and also because I have friends that play forza 3, and would quickly switch to play tdu on pc if they had mods, because they once did play it, but they like this kind of hondas :) thanks and if any modder dont know or dont want to do it, but would like to help mme, PLEASE PLEASE pm me with help or something :D thank you, and have a nice day...