Unfortunately that's an issue I've been having. I pre-ordered the gold edition on psn and while all the bonuses and season pass are showing up as registered to my account, I have none of the stuff ingame, no street editions or season pass cars. After playing the beta through 4 times with the cars available at the start I was looking forward starting out with some new cars, but I'm already to the point now where I can just buy the full versions of those cars anyway. On top of that, for most of today I couldn't even play the game because of some issue retrieving my save data from ubisoft. Also whenever I finish a pvp event or faction mission I get disconnected from the game's servers before I can get the XP/Bucks/Rep for completing it. No pvp or faction missions also really limits the amount of money I can make right now. So for the moment, I am limited to just the story missions and whatever cars I gain access to normally and can afford only making about a grand per story mission.
Anyways I'm having a very, very hard time trying to enjoy the game right now. I'm sure once/if all these issues are dealt with it will be fine, but if anyone is reading this who hasn't bought the game yet, based on the experience I've had I'd suggest you wait another couple weeks or so. As it is now the game just feels like it's in the next stage of beta testing.