I don't like the sounds of the "money for drifts and cool moves", maybe it's just me, but that stinks of Burnout/NFS/MidnightClub to me, something I wouldn't expect to see in a game that is supposed to be a "lifestyle" game.
Games get very little of my attention these days, and even less of my money, so this game has to be an absolute cracker to get my money out of my wallet. TDU1 was alot of fun, and had a lot of longevity to it, but there was always that little niggle in the back of your head as you played it. Mostly it was the annoying road surface, as if there was invisible speed bumps.
I guess at the end of the day, TDU2 will be whatever it will be, and I hope there is a demo available at some point before I splash the cash that should be going on more important things. :p
All this news sounds pretty promising though, minus the money for cool moves crap, hope that gets dropped before release. Just my opinion though, some people might like it, personally, it sounds too arcadey for my liking.