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Everything posted by Who

  1. wish i could swap! my RL nickname is moose :p edit: just did it again, using my proper first name (technically, lewis is my middle) Gargantuan Brine-Shrimp WTF!?
  2. nooooooooooo i can haz mudkip avitar? want moose back :'( :p
  3. anyone up for emigrating to mars courtesy of project virgle? no-one does it like google i tell ya ;) http://www.google.com/virgle/index.html
  4. ace vid of the beemer, shame the 360 version of GTR2 was axed >.<
  5. Gargantuan Bison actually kinda like it :P
  6. my college teachers dont seem to mind so much :D Ringtone is: The Offspring - All I Want https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XwP0yUErUQ
  7. Voted Audi, being as i prefer the saloons, although it was close because i love the Z-series cars BMW does, (not a fan of the M series and actually really hate the X series because I'm a bit of an environmentalist, and whilst i don't mind fast cars having crap economy, 4x4's that are useless off-road and are owned by knobs that like to bully other drivers i hate though :p) love the new S5, there's one by my college in blue, its sexual.
  8. i cuttid my tung on it coz i fort it haz a flavur
  9. Jaguar XKE (E-Type) most beautiful car known to man
  10. yeah, i heard about sony's content but that was ages ago was it not? i'm sure that it was said that they were pulling out on the content, but instead they were getting an exclusive new franchise by R*
  11. M$ is dropping prices and offering freebies, they're speaking casual language now. sony isnt doing anything because its so unbelievably arrogant about it all
  12. id argue the landy comment, only the freelander is a mum car really, the new disco is a bit too, but that's ford's influence for you. the Discovery, and the defender produced under Rover were the best of the bunch, before ford got their mitts on landrover and softened it down, bloody americans...
  13. leeeeets get reeaaady tooooo ruuuumble hang on, rumble? crap, the 360's won allready ;)
  14. haha, nice comeback cptdark:p Microsoft will have to consider blu-ray at some point, maybe not for the 360, but something tells me that DVD9 will not suffice for the next generation and its growing demand for disk space, with graphics looking like they cant get much better games are gonna have to start adding extra content, rather than graphical oomph to move forward. that said, if M$ can make HVD financially viable then that could turn out very well! (3.9tb storage ftw)
  15. yeah, GM would be great to own jaguar, i mean, imagine how much money they could save by having brushed aluminum *effect* plastic in the interior of the New XF. Pleather wouldn't go too bad too. as for Landrover, well, who needs a 4x4 to be practical, im sure no-one would mind if GM made them useless off-road to appeal to the school run mothers, much like the beloved frontera!
  16. its sad to see, but as has been said, they brought it on themselves by opening the taps, atleast they didnt take anyone with them who had nothing to do with the people being irresponsible
  17. hang on, everyone is hufty about jag and landrover being owned by an indian manufacturer (which up until a relatively short while ago, was a country britain owned) but when they were owned by a country that is incapable of pronouncing Jaguar correctly (jag-u-are not jag-wah) no-one cared? good for tata, they are a prosperous company which looks like it will be going places, the company has its priorities right too, (watch the unveiling video for the tata nano to see what i mean)
  18. meh, methinks the GTR is ugleh so no big loss on my part only time a wrecked car has saddened me was when our 20 year old VW jetta (was completely crap and smelt like a cesspit) got torched in 2005... fudging pikeys >.>
  19. we got snow, but it didnt settle. useless on/off stuff...
  20. the espace looks uncannily like that fugly avantime that i thought we saw the back of in 2004...
  21. wow *drools at all examples* he has immense skills!
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