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Everything posted by Who

  1. the only particularly good band i heard come from sensei was A7x. oh, and atreyu are ok... ish... dragonforce however are awful, theres impressive solos that work well, but come on, dragonforce play like tits for the sake of it. whoop de do you can play and sound like a malfunctioning synthesizer. Indie is one of the few refuges of individuality left in modern culture. the music is lively, and gets you in a great mood. R n' B I'll agree with. modern stuff is crap. Dance is a tricky one... the name of the genre 'dance' has been soiled by a combination of things... Buses, pikeys, Sony Walkman Phones, high pitched 'singing' and a 320 bpm bassline... however, we cant let that taint our view, dance is a very wide genre, basement jaxx, for example, are dance, and they sound nothing like you described dance as. (incidentally, jaxx are one of my favorite bands) i do listen to quite alot of heavies, they give me a boost too, listen to a band called moonsorrow, they're ace. i like most stuff though... anyway, i've been ranting too much... Spiderbait - Black Betty The Guess who - American Woman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1x6NNNfVJc
  2. i dont like it, but i dunno how it compares to other J-RPGs so it might be better than its rivals. still sucked tho...
  3. finally played the demo. addictive randomness! ROYAL RAINBOW FTW!
  4. odly enough, my local footie team won for once aswell! wrexham, who are currently bhottom end of the league beat off the second from the top 2-0 good lord :o
  5. how can you like 'bog' its a horrid map and i want to destroy it. likewise vacant >.>
  6. is it just me, or is the poll screwed up? check the 'who voted' thing by clicking the number of votes and look at the listing... RB5:V says it has 4 votes for example, but only 3 names are listed... eh?
  7. fashionably late as always happy birthday TDU:C *clicks advert to give money as pressie* the cake is a lie!
  8. oooooh the colours *takes another toke on spliff*
  9. i have a car i made for the competition on the official TDU forum. its got quite a few atari/tdu logos on it, and aslong as i know it wont ruin any chances in teh comp (which is still showing little sign of life >.>) i'll send you the car and you can have the designs
  10. Who


    great, according to the report, its crap, still illegal, and the mac version isnt out till late march... lame
  11. vista seems like much more effort compared to xp, the start menu feels very clumsy IMO especially when compared to xp's one. as far as im concerned, vista is a pretty little visual upgrade on XP, that likes to eat your hardware. anyway, as much as i like XP, i much prefer my OSX leopard running machine...
  12. damn, i hit 17+ ah well, only until april for me to waittill thats true :p
  13. just wondering what game people enjoy the most online? vote away! :D
  14. yeah, whispers are of an october launch for PC, which is good compared to the gap between PS2 and Xbox/PC in the past
  15. greaat, just before my AS exams :(
  16. just so you all know, pretty much every gaming site on the net has got a preview of GTA IV on it... for a start - GTA IV has been dated... April 29th IGN UK's Impressions 1up's impressions Gameplayer's impressions Games Radar's Impressions Gameplayer's GTA IV factfile theres more on the web, just keep your eyes open...
  17. wow, thats a nugget worthy post and a half! nice one carboy :p!
  18. i have a bebo and a DeviantArt. aswell as a non-used myspace, and facebook
  19. i good at surfing :D (as in the real kind) i like to go gokarting, but can't keep up with my best mate (i blame the fact hes smaller and hence lighter than me :p) so i dont exactly pwn :p i'm pretty good at playing bass too!
  20. nice. ladas are a good choice in car too! so, did they cost you more than 3p for the pair? oj, the niva is my fav offroader!
  21. dammit! i just did the renewal like, the 21st...
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