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Everything posted by Baldy

  1. It's not anyone's fault, but it's so easily solved, we're here to help, but sometimes life gets in the way. Speaking for myself, I have very little free time outside of work, and I'm sure other team members are the same, which is why if it's reported we can get on top of it when we visit the forum. You help us and we'll help you :)
  2. Indeed you don't but when you're as lazy as me anything will do :monkeydance: But that might not fit in with the plans, two days early would still be classed as "Fall" in my eyes. Sounds better than saying later summer. That makes sense, something to keep an eye on and see if it changes as it's not actually on the main page is it?
  3. As staff members we don't get time to read the whole forum, which is where the report button comes in, if you don't like a post report it, we'll look into it and take action if appropriate.
  4. Not really, Forza has car damage and still have Ferrari, it depends how serious they make it, and after the success of the first game I can't see many car companies saying no to being in the sequel. And to add some more fuel to fire;
  5. Either a put back launch from 2009, or the 20th September, hopefully the latter :)
  6. I have a sore back :( But welcome back :)
  7. In game advertising? online download packs? Subscription based online for PC?
  8. :bparty: :bparty: :bparty: Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh! Happy happy happy, now begins the wait for release :D
  9. Well according to IGN it's official. Plus the website has been launched.
  10. Great! Have a good time, we'll miss you....
  11. :) Finally some news, not much, but it's better than nothing.
  12. You smell!

    1. Agreed! Shame I can't edit his profile :(
    2. Kaching! Sure it looks good, but what's the point? A high power family car would be something that could generate much more interest, but alas it's not to be. Maybe one day....
    3. Hmmm so this is the eggs we're talking of frying. Anyone want some apple? [E] In other words great news, well possibly, we all know what s**n is like!
    4. Just a figure of speech mate don't worry, although I've managed to smash my wing mirror off, loose my phone and now get pissed off, plus I feel like crap, banging headache and sore throat, not a great day so far, and got 8 days solid work to look forward too, woop! haha

      1. The characters can all get in the same car and go drink driving..... haha
      2. I'm just loosing the will to live look at the tduc fb page[

        1. I'd say next September is this September, as well it is the next September ;)
        2. I'm gonna stick with google and believe their translation, afterall it agrees with the title.
        3. Google serves us well(ish) Grosse exclusively for you on Planet-GT, a very well-informed source has given us some information on the upcoming Test Drive. It is therefore a source very close to the studio Eden Games with which we had the chance to have some confidence that gives us some information about this highly anticipated game. Indeed, it would appear from this source, the next Test Drive will leave the island of Hawaii for another island well known, that of Ibiza. It appears also that the team has been invited to travel on the same island recently, which confirms this information. Second information, the game's release is currently scheduled for September. If all this is not official, this source appears to be reliable. If all this is true, the new Test Drive, which might be called High Life, should not delay to appear officially. Go then in the next few weeks on Planet-GT.com.
        4. Welcome to the forum, hope you enjoy it :)
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