Time to bump this topic up. C'mon guys, I know there's a lot of others who are gaming. ;)
I have since completed Quantum of Solace and Kane and Lynch Dead Men and bought and completed Machinarium, which was incredibly fun and pretty damn tricky!
I have also been playing some custom levels on LittleBigPlanet and have been on the Mafia 2 demo on steam a lot recently experimenting with different weather settings. I have also been messing around on Just Cause 2 and also started the story on Batman Arkham Asylum again as I had a save before but GFWL wouldn't allow me to load it.
I did some of the Spec Ops missions on Modern Warfare 2 on the Xbox 360 and messing around in Far Cry 2 on the PC having some general fun with AI. I have since got back into rFactor and downloaded some mods such as the 1970's racing car mod and I have also reinstalled FSX with some mods and been flying around at different locations. I also had some fun nights on the Live For Speed S2 demo with a friend online and am seriously considering purchasing it!
I popped back on Test Drive the other day on PC to test some of Tool's mods out and various sound mods. I have started the story on Indigo Prophecy aka Fahrenheit and got up to about the 3rd or 4th chapter. I had a short go on Theme Hospital the other night with a friend which was pretty fun although I had to run the game through DosBox to get it to work, which was a pain!
I was playing Plants vs Zombies the other day and got pretty addicted to playing it and was on it for a couple of hours. I was also on Tropico 3 on steam with a friend and have been on Alien Swarm at various times. I also had a short go on Cryostasis and finally managed to get it working which was fun after countless restarts and even starting the story again.
In the next few days I am aiming to play through Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days on the PC, which I recieved on Wednesday through the post from ShopTo and was unable to install it until yesterday due to Steam's silly release check thing. I also want to try and start the story again on Wings of Prey and possibly play through some more on Batman and maybe even do some more Red Dead Redemption on the PS3 in the next few days.