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Everything posted by S71NG3R

  1. Yes but luckily it's the competition UK road rules. :p
  2. First you now have the Viper. Second we are using UK road rules but driving on the right. So if there is a car in the fast lane you have to wait for the car to pull over out of your way. -Lr-SpeedraceR you missed my post just above ;) "A date will be set after this for everyone in group A that have not completed their attempt."
  3. Your names are now added. Update: If you want to be in this and your name is not in the list then reply by 05/02/08.
  4. Thanks baldred for filling in for me. We can spilt the groups up into date and time where everyone is happy if there are a lot of people.
  5. :birthday: TDU-Central. Remember the word "soon" is banned so not all things are like Atari. :D
  6. Yes make sure you back-up the original folder first, full info in the read me file.
  7. It's Mafia time again!! Friday 8th February 2008 @ 8pm UK time (Date and time can be changed) Saturday 9th February 2008 @ 8pm UK time (Date and time can be changed) Update: If you want to be in this and your name is not in the list then reply by 05/02/08. Mafia cruise rules: The Mafia car is a black 4 door car, it can be any make and you must wear a black/dark suit (tie optional). We drive around until we see someone show up and then go after the nearest one to us. We have to chase them down and make them stop in any way possible. We have to stop them moving so we have to block their escape. Once they cannot move the Mafia type "owned" take a pic and move on. Then it starts again and we look for the next victim. Reply if you want to join the fun 6 people per group. PC 1. S71NG3R 2. Mb (penciled in if new date) 3. TheScottishSpotter 4. Iced Bullet 5. Speed 6. MadMax 1. CarboyZR1 2. *GhostRacerGTI* 3. -Lr-SpeedraceR 4. 5. 6. Xbox 360 Friday 1. baldred 2. mellors 3. Nodz86 4. KTF67 5. Pherelas 6. dodgem 7. Carmadmike Saturday 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Waiting for night to be confirmed: carmadmike nige7 rambomc Chrisicus RH12234 Meet at any of these 4 locations: http://forum.turboduck.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=1106&d=1184420514 http://forum.turboduck.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=1108&d=1184420514 http://forum.turboduck.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=1110&d=1184420514 http://forum.turboduck.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=1111&d=1184420543
  8. Just a reminder for group B this weekend. A date will be set after this for everyone in group A that have not completed their attempt. Group B (WDT Time zone GMT+9) Sunday 3rd February 2008 @ 7pm WDT (10am GMT) 1. JonLim - Noble M14 2. ShadowGT - Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder
  9. Yes see my sig. ;) *Hint* it's called Sound mod pack v1.0
  10. The 360 is the only way to go for me. I looked at all games for PS3 new ones too and only GT5 is the game I would buy. So £300 for GT5 is a bit much I think. Even MGS4 is not worth it just looking at the videos and it's still got the annoying sounds when the enemy see you. Then there's the glowing ring around your waste this is what I hate about playstation games they can't go full hardcore there has to be something flashing somewhere. So the only option for GTAIV is 360 plus a lot more good games and then there is the live online that sold it for me. GTA online is fantastic if it's anything like the mods for the older PC versions.
  11. :omg: Mb + youtube = :twisted: But so true :D is it :goodnight::banned:
  12. Check the first post of the club you want to join. The persons name will be there, then post in the club thread or PM the club owner or read the club rules on how to join.
  13. :welcome: There are a few active clubs here. Have a look around the club threads. Edit here are the links: http://forum.turboduck.net/forumdisplay.php?f=36 TDU-Central club http://forum.turboduck.net/forumdisplay.php?f=47
  14. S71NG3R


    This may explain the problem http://www.bit-tech.net/news/2008/01/29/qtrax_announcement_premature/1
  15. Service pack 1 was going to be the time Vista was saved but the beta response has not been the most positive. You can but then you are tuning off the added security so you can't win.
  16. I'm not far behind you. You can tell I'm from the older generation as I was playing Test Drive on the C64 when I was at school. :p I can't see me stopping unless I'm too old to see the screen. Hard strength glasses 46" monitor/TV 800 x 600 res. :eek:
  17. Even Microsoft think it's bad as the new Windows 7 is being moved forward to 2009. I have been using Vista from day one (not the beta) and most of the useful programs don't work. Then you have to click ok extra times just to open something it doesn't trust. Ok but spyware loads on the PC fine doesn't say anything. You go to install Microsoft software it says do you trust the programme. :oook:
  18. There is a list in the read me file of the car files that changed. I put all the files in the pack for easy drag and drop folder copying. But there is the option to copy the files one at a time if you want. But there are one or two car sounds where I could not tell the difference.
  19. This is a forum correct and there are rules to stay on topic and not spam. I was just asking you and Iced kindly not to continue your chat on the forum that was all. Then you post this off topic post just after I asked you not to. So again please only post about DOTW. If you want to discuss this further then PM me or send a message on MSN.
  20. Please stay on topic and use MSN to chat thanks.
  21. Thanks for all your comments and votes. This will start on Monday 4th February if the voting remains with the majority liking it. There will be a new thread with full information on Sunday after the poll is finished.
  22. The class of car/bike is restricted by the event unless it's one that is unrestricted. You can use tuned car/bike's too if you want. The first event will be chosen by me to start and then the winner will choose the next one.
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