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Everything posted by S71NG3R

  1. Ok my cars will be: Day 1 [un-restricted] : Ferrari F430 Coupe [stage 3] Day 2 [C Class or below] : Aston Martin Vanquish S [stage 3] Any days after 10th of February I should be free.
  2. That sounds painful I hope it gets better soon. :(
  3. There are some good some ok but overall the mods have made the engines more alive. They will keep improving them as some are on version 4 already. It's good they are spending lots of time to do something about the sounds. I wish I knew how to do it and start work on the other cars.
  4. Ok we can arrange a date for you for another time.
  5. Good to see you back, TDU has been hard on all of us but we just love it too much even with bugs everywhere. I see you have still given up TDU just to remain sane and I fully understand you. There can be days where we spend all night just trying to connect and then have to give up. The most funniest time was a few weeks ago where I was trying to connect to TheScottishSpotter and what every we tried we just could not get in the same session. As we were talking to each other we decided to cruise doing a running commentary of where we were driving. :D It's this kind of thing that can drive you insane but we will do anything to get our daily fix. I know nothing I say will get you playing again but you are greatly missed. :cry:
  6. The PC servers has been down all day. I thought it was to do with the competition as every time we try to do it something like this happens. I don't think Atari want anyone to win the t-shirts. :D But it's not until the weekend so I hope they fix it soon
  7. I would have but need to spread some more. Anyway you have enough already. :p
  8. I did a quick video of the 350z with the sound mod.
  9. That's very cool then. I can't get online to try it as the servers are down. So I'm trying to buy the cars again in offline mode but it's a lot of work. :cry:
  10. Good find Mb even the 350Z sounds a lot better. I can't see a problem using them online as it's only the sound file that is changed. Has anyone seen these cars online to see if the sound is changed when other players are driving them?
  11. Here is my entry. http://i269.photobucket.com/albums/jj58/S71NG3R/POTW10.jpg
  12. Well they should just let Jeremy Clarkson at it and get it over and done with. He will pay the money they need to do it. :p 6" key mark. :rolleyes: :) Edit: Remember his love for the Corvette. :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uu9H7KMlYNQ
  13. Thanks and good find the HD trailer was, well WOW. :)
  14. Ok just take me off the list then there will be others to go to.
  15. But did you read about the evil plan. The first part is free, ok there are ads everywhere but new content you have to pay for. So as I see it EA's giving you a demo full of ads for free, thanks just what I wanted. Then you give them your hard earned cash for a new gun or a map. :rolleyes:
  16. Thanks Diablo we all appreciate your hard work. :)
  17. Mb is there any chance we can do this in the day as I'm going out Saturday @ 6pm. If not then just delete my name. Thanks.
  18. Ha ha yes the speakers. You need two slots one for speakers and one for the motherboard. Then you could add keyboard, mouse and optical drive the list goes on. :(
  19. I knew there would be trouble for Valve getting mixed up with EA. Here is a classic case of if you can't beat'em join'em. A new free battlefield game (ad supported) and one I will not play. Just look at the GFW cover and compare the soldier and heavy at the bottom. http://www.battlefield-heroes.com/site-images/gfw-cover-full.jpg
  20. [uPDATE 23th May 2008] Exclusive video and interview on this weeks Gamespot show: On The Spot *Warning the content of this weeks show is not suitable for younger viewers* *Spoiler warning - the video contains content from what looks like the start of the game* "Fast-forward to 37:40 if you just want to see the Alone In The Dark exclusive" http://us.gamespot.com/shows/on-the-spot/ [uPDATE 27th February 2008] Real-world rules episode 2: (Look under trailers) http://www.uk.atari.com/xbox360/alone-in-the-dark-153.html [uPDATE 16th February 2008] Real-world rules episode 1: http://www.uk.atari.com/xbox360/alone-in-the-dark-153.html http://uk.gamespot.com/video/930280/6186192/alone-in-the-dark-gameplay-movie-1# (idiots got the date format wrong so enter as mm/dd/yy) Eurogamer Interview: http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=91162 If you know very little about Alone In The Dark from Eden then this new trailer will help. There is growing hype about this game and from this trailer I can see why. http://www.gamevideos.com/video/id/17197 Please bare in mind this is more than likely going to be rated 18+ [Gametrailers HD] [Gametrailers SD] It's due out sometime in May 2008.
  21. Maybe possible, sorry Diablo I forgot the most important part of the PC. :o :)
  22. I use IE7 and get this for the header. http://i269.photobucket.com/albums/jj58/S71NG3R/ScreenShot272.jpg
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