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Status Updates posted by CarMadMike

  1. Ah, well i don't see those messages, so of course i don't have a clue what your talking about :p

  2. Yah, i'm not bad you?

  3. Hey mells mells, maxcoder has a new account "thomas_R8v10", to get around his cb ban

  4. Oooooh, your learning!

  5. Thats pete, not bill, Bill's in the box xD and on that wacky note, i'm off to bed, gunnight

  6. *melts glue* xD

  7. You will be, the bill is in the post :p

  8. Please do *replasters ceiling* :evil:

  9. Why would i need to tell you that? :p shouldn't you check the door before you drop through the ceiling anyway? xD

  10. *watches tim fall from ceiling* You do realise the door was open?

  11. Sorries for being such an "idiot" (would of used a stronger word...), you didn't deserve that >.<

  12. :O and you agree Fine then *humph* i'll leave you alone *humph*

  13. YAYYYYYY!!!! XD lifeguards? why? xD

  14. :O you replied to Tim's message but not mine *humph* O and, good afternoon xD *must stop stalking andai*

  15. 1 more day Woooo, not long now *is happeh*

  16. *mega facepalm* it's nothing, then again i'm sure it'd annoy me as well

  17. Thanks =) I love it too xP

  18. Thanks abstand, just so you know, i'm not actually a girl, it's just a joke :)

  19. Awww, don't worry i know who you are *runs to check*

  20. It's, erm, hmmmh, him! *waves*

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