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Status Updates posted by CarMadMike

  1. Tomorrow daytime xD this is what i mean by me trying to make a schedule for MSN! We're both busy people.

  2. Two forums = Very Expensive, not financially viable. TDU has failed, therefore the TDU side of the forum will die down again back to the period before the modding and TDU2 hype started. Diablo can't leave it just like this because it isn't financially viable either. I'd of been happy to see things carry on exactly as they were a few months ago, everyone happy about TDU2, the community buzzing, but things change.

  3. Very random :oook:

  4. Very scary. This year whole year is a countdown to university (hopefully anyway xD) which is scary too.

  5. Very, why? :)

  6. Was that sarcasm? >.< I genuinely believe I am quite sophisticated compared to a lot of people my age xD I'm so confused over that girl thing, isn't life crap? God really does hate gays, I've been dying for someone to like me for like, ever, and the first person that does is the wrong sex!

  7. Wayyy not on my radar of things to think/worry about at the moment :lol:

  8. We still haven't spoken on MSN from like, a week ago xP

  9. We still need to have a catchup! get on MSN sometime soon please!

  10. Well duh, you should of replied in the morning then :cheeky: Good luck to your brother (and you of course), if it's part of a franchise the boss guy might not have much of a say in what happens once he's gone, he'll have some influence though. So fingers crossed!

  11. well, diablo's replied, lets hope it stops ;)

  12. What did you mean by this? :hmmm: http://forum.tdu-central.com/threads/25231-Post-a-Pic-of-Your-Latest-Purchase?p=457517#post457517 How was your birthday? :) I've had a very eventful week xD

  13. What film was it?

  14. What model? the CLC you mentioned ages ago? I've had such a crap morning, probably saved my friend from getting brain damage today, he went into some type of diabetic coma thing (he's not diabetic, but something similar) and it was me that phoned ambulance etc :( hope he's alright.

  15. What on earth is that song? :oook:

  16. What reason do you think? :hmmm: Oh, and I don't have anyone on here on FB for some reason, i do have skype if that's just as good?

  17. What was it last year? Good to hear the celica is staying, I take it the merc is still out of the window? :(

  18. What? There's no point paying so much money for a car that looks crap just because it's fast, I'd much rather go for a car that looks better but isn't as fast. I'm shallow like that :cheeky:

  19. What's with the copyright on your sig? :p

  20. Whats with you hiding offline now too :oook:

  21. When are you back?

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