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Everything posted by Mb

  1. Guys five Milli a break. She just wants to help to get it fair for everybody so we can all have a good time. Saying she can't comment because she doesn't have the game is a pretty damn poor argument. We all know she wants FM4 badly... :p Kidding Milli. Each to their own on what they prefer.
  2. Ok that's it. I'm getting the 1M when my exams are finished. Thanx Flo :lol:
  3. Good! If you're going there send a message. If i'm there you can do a passengerlap in the Rallye haha. 2008 some guys started Cars & Coffee in Holland. Even got the official stuff from the guys in the USA. Everything went fine for a while. Then they thought: "Hey, let's do this Roadtrip". Sounded like a good idea. They charged €75 for people that wanted to participate (incl. dinner, hotel and breakfast so not that bad). Lot's of people signed up and then it was called of. Nobody got their money back and the guy who organized it went on holiday... So anything that is organized hardly get's visitors because there is no trust anymore which is a shame. And yes, way to much spotters in Holland. I wouldn't even call them spotters anymore... Idiots actually fight/insult/threaten eachother if they can't upload their spot on AG... Stupid 12 year olds ruin it for everyone that takes a picture of a car... Some guys even climbed over a fence to get photos of a car on private property, then when the owner came to ask what they were doing and if they could GTFO. They insulted him. On all Dutch forums they "hate" carspotters because of those little morons ruining it. I never call myself a "spotter" anymore because i don't want to relate to these f-tards. Long story short: Car culture in Holland sucks. Everyone hates on eachother (Y U NO DRIVE BMW!? FWD FOOL, LAMBO'S ARE FOR POSERS and such bla bla), no one respects eachother (Hey look, one of those ricers in a Skyline...) and being an enthusiast/photographer isn't appreciated. Dutch culture just sucks. If someone has a better car they hate, if someone has a cheaper/slower/whatever car they hate aswell.. Everyone is being an idiot which is stupid, people should learn to appreciate stuff. Last meet i went to was in 2010. Was a pretty decent meet/tour. http://i791.photobucket.com/albums/yy194/MartijnMb/IMG_3321.jpg [mod edit:] Don't post images above 500kB, use a thumbnail or a text link instead.
  4. You could come over for a weekend. Not sure where in CZ you are located but i see a lot of licenseplates from CZ. Can't me more then 8h i guess.
  5. Well, since some jerks messed up everyones trust in car meetings in Holland, we only have some events but not a proper meeting. But hell, i just go to the Nürburgring :lol:
  6. Shop whining... You guys in UK have insane meets with insane cars.. We don't have anything proper anymore in the Benelux :lol:
  7. Problem with Maple Valley is your pit entry speed. If you have the first box and you fly in there with 200km/h the game doesn't slow you down fast enough so you fly past your pitbox. You have to slow down yourself on MV.
  8. http://i791.photobucket.com/albums/yy194/MartijnMb/Forza309.jpg
  9. Click for bigger derp.
  10. -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- (But then 4 obviously) + http://i408.photobucket.com/albums/pp170/Manny_1988/Afb071.jpg Airbox with Green filter.
  11. Add naked women. Makes it much more attractive... :lol:
  12. I've hat (YOU SEE WHAT I DID THERE!?) with the hats. (2nd on the left, obviously)
  13. If it's about a trackday... Only cars i see during trackdays are GT-R's, GT3's and modified M3's :lol:
  14. Only race i can do this season is the Camino Viejo one. Stupid exams.
  15. Yeah, i want all of them, but don't feel like paying for cars i already have :lol:
  16. True. If i'd have the time i would have one aswell... Once you become YT Partner you earn hundreds of dollars..
  17. You mean we can buy those cars now? Still, 160msp is ridiculous. I bought the season pass, should be free. :lol:
  18. Le update. http://i791.photobucket.com/albums/yy194/MartijnMb/Forza312.jpg http://i791.photobucket.com/albums/yy194/MartijnMb/Forza310.jpg http://i791.photobucket.com/albums/yy194/MartijnMb/Forza309.jpg http://i791.photobucket.com/albums/yy194/MartijnMb/Forza308.jpg http://i791.photobucket.com/albums/yy194/MartijnMb/Forza299.jpg http://i791.photobucket.com/albums/yy194/MartijnMb/Forza297.jpg http://i791.photobucket.com/albums/yy194/MartijnMb/Forza296.jpg http://i791.photobucket.com/albums/yy194/MartijnMb/Forza292.jpg http://i791.photobucket.com/albums/yy194/MartijnMb/Forza289-1.jpg http://i791.photobucket.com/albums/yy194/MartijnMb/Forza287-1.jpg http://i791.photobucket.com/albums/yy194/MartijnMb/Forza284.jpg http://i791.photobucket.com/albums/yy194/MartijnMb/Forza279-1.jpg http://i791.photobucket.com/albums/yy194/MartijnMb/Forza272-1.jpg Kthnxbay
  19. Ah. I guess his carpets we're soaked aswell. Probably broken thermostat heater (or whatever it's called in English).
  20. Mb

    See the voting thread. Trololo. Sorry for calling you the worst game :lol: You're the best bacon though.

    1. Get the AX GT Sport! Wikiquote: The first performance version was the limited-run AX Sport from 1987, with a 1.3 engine and twin carburettors producing 95 bhp (71 kW; 96 PS), wearing iconic white steel wheels (5,5" x 14") which resembled those on its brother, the Peugeot 205 Rallye. The AX Sport used Solex ADDHE 40 carburettors until 1990 and was then replaced with Weber DCOM 40s, just like the 205 Rallye 1,3. Badass. Only weights something like 750kg.
    2. Need to participate next week.. Don't wanna be down the board :lol:
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