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Everything posted by Nodz86

  1. I believe its a glitch. I've remember reading a bout it happening to a few people a while back.
  2. All I done was searched "BMI chart" on google and loads of sites come up, also go to your local gym, tesco they have a machine the measures your weight and your hieght and gives you a print out of what your weight and BMI should be for your height. Also these machines don't fully take into account your muscle weight and bone structure so these are just advisory. To find out properly you'd have to see a dietician or doctor as they have ways of measuring fat, muscle wieght and all the other factors to get a more acurate ideal weight. Theres the one I used, i also searched for results from the UK as guidelines from other countries may differ. http://www.caloriecounting.co.uk/resources/charts/bmi.htm
  3. Theres one already being done over on the official forums by N1PPER, The 12oach and Johansen16.
  4. This is a very good idea look forward to seeing the first magazine. Heres a few ideas that I thought might be good: A long term test where you right about the ups and downs of the car over several issues. Upgrades and what the difference in speed and handling are. Previews of what could be coming out as DLC soon Letters or responses section so people can express there views on your articles A multi car test, say 3 cars from the same class, weigh up the pro's and cons of them and give them a rating out of 5 for speed handling etc and an overall. And in game screens of the vehicle tested. just a few ideas for you, look forward to the 1st issue.
  5. Everyones got a password for their XBL its the same one you use for Windows Passport this is what gets you access on Xbox.com, Forza website, any other site that uses the windows passport. Its slowly sorting itself out not friends wise as once they log in then out agian it shows when they where last logged in.
  6. I've just finished playing a game of FIFA on XBL and something strange happend. It went to the end of game menu and I selected the option to leave a player review as I always do. But then it come up disconnected from XBL in them alert boxes (the same one as when u get an acheivement or someone comes online), and theres a message on the in game FIFA screen saying that you have been disconnected from XBL as someone else has logged into your account. At this stage I think my account has been hacked so I quickly log back in and change my password. But now all my friends on my friends list are offline instead of showing when they where last online, which is strange. Has anyone else had this happen or do you know if all your friends change to offline when you change your password? Any help or past experiances much appriciated as the last thing I want is to loose my account.
  7. Lol, all my ideas seem to revolve around the word topless aswell
  8. Good things come to those who wait, I had to wait a over year to get with my other half. Hopefully it will all work out in the long run.
  9. Cool, I'm up for it. Had a few ideas for a title I'll PM them to you. We all understand Dodgem, dont worry about it.
  10. As always Marc they are extremely good photo's, love the way you got the reflection in the puddle aswell. Do you do this sor a living??? if not you should as all these are Magazine worthy.
  11. Another good cruise tonight, sorry about leaving early had to go out. Did a theme for next week get decided? Pherelas that might have been me you couldn't hear as I couldn't hear you.
  12. I know the cruise starts at 9pm but what time is evryone going on tonight?? Pherelas I've sent you an FR.
  13. There are no planes in this one, was comfirmed ages ago by R*. Liberty City is based on NYC so there would only be one airport. Also this is mordern day NYC, post 9/11, so think of the amount of people who would jack a plane and fly it into a building would be high a the backlash R* would get when these video's appear on the net would be extremely high aswell and the last thing R* needs is mor things for people to try and get this game banned. but there is Helicopters, not sure if they are only in missions or in free roam.
  14. Sorry to here about it ending mate, hope your ok. Personally I wouldn't bother getting with someone else just to back with her as that is unfair on that person. But at the end of the day its up to you and what makes you happy.
  15. Didn't know that, thought Ibanaz might have own them as they have similar threts and heads have a bit of rep
  16. Its the new Jag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good spot Pherelas heres a pic I just got of it.
  17. Its a test car they use all that tape so no one knows what it will look like until it is released. now we just have to work out what car it is
  18. Theres four types of fender ain't there American Fenders which are the best, then Mexican Fenders, they've just started makin Jap Fenders and last are squire. It normally has it stamped on the head of the guitar where they are made next to the code.
  19. There are two ways that the likes of Stagg, Encore and the rest of them can replicate guitars: 1st. Get a lisence 2nd. Change 3 things from the original. But they have to be visable differences. E.g. Simpsons replica's marge would have orange hair a blue dress and slightly green body. Squire I believe do not have to do either as I think Fender do own them thats why they look identical. I think Epiphone might also be own by Gibson
  20. Really sorry to hear about this mate. First of all as nipper suggested get the boys and go have a word with the person who caused this. But on a more serious note, I could understand the lemon and viniger for a week to detox but from the line "she has told me that she wont go baelemic again" I assume she has had issues with her wieght before so this seems more like she could be relapsing, which is what you don't want. The first thing I would do is talk to her parents. I don't know what they are like but I'm sure if its to do with their daughter's health they would want to know, also don't feel guilty about going behind her back and talking to her parents as she should understand why you are doing it. The other reason for doing this is, if I've assumed right and she has had problems before, then her parents would have experianced this with her and might know what to do. Also this would give her more support. After a quick look on the net and a few BMI sites (Body Mass Index) they say a person of 6" should be between 10st 7 to 13st 7. You haven't put what wieght she is now but 9st target is way under what she should be and loosing 6lb in 7 days, and over 4 weeks has lost 3 inches on her waist is not good for anyone unles they have been put on a diet and being regulaly checked on by a Doctor or qualified dietrician. Also this could cause her to loose her assets aswell (natural curves, bust, etc) as when you loose weight you loose these aswell, a good example of this was when Gerri Haliwell done her extreme dieting. I kinda of know what you mean about an emotional rollercoster, I had a bit of a bad patch with my other half (who I've been with for 5yrs and good mates for 2yrs) a few years back, it wasn't about wieght it was about our relationship, but as I said I can relate to how you feel as its like a double whammy, you are worried/upset as a BF and as a friend which makes it twice as hard, all I can say on that is to be strong and stand by her and help her through it, it might take weeks or months but if anything it will make your relationship stronger. But as I said before the first thing you should do is go and talk to her parents , I know it seems like your betrying her but your not as this is very serious and needs sorting. Hope thats been of some help and hope you get this sorted
  21. So basically people in the North of England can't drive and people over the border in Scotland are the better drivers. That must mean us southerners are somewhere in the middle. Liking your new sig TheScottishSpotter, that number plate must have set him back a bit.
  22. :welcome: Bonjour et accueillir aux forums
  23. Its either a 599GTB or a 612 Scallati I think its the 599 heres another shot of it along with a TVR hiding behind the silver Audi Estate. and a couple of others ones got both the fakspeed vipers.
  24. Thanks for putting me down, I've decided I'm gonna be in my 250GTO.
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