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Car Freak

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Everything posted by Car Freak

  1. School starts in TWO DAYS!!!!! ARRRRRGHHHH!!!!!! :cry: :cry: And I think I'm allergic to school... As I type, I'm sniffling with a VERY badly blocked nose, flu, and am bordering on a fever... Why now, I ask? Why not in China in sub 10deg temps? I really do think I'm allergic... Oh well... (PS, don't wish me to get well soon, I'm not looking forward to Wed...)
  2. Thats cos he wasnt messing with you... we were all outside a Diner at the end of the day's Gumballing, and were flaming him and scolding him for screwing up our (and more specifically my) race. It then went to a Bashing fight, and he would reverse a little bit, then bam, he's suddenly moving at a high rate of speed... Normally I don't really care much about people who use trainers, as long as they mind their own business and don't use it in races. But what gives him the right to start running people off the road?
  3. Went for CarBoys cos it was the funniest
  4. bleh... came home REALLY late last night, therefore I overslept and couldn't do the final 2 stages of Gumball... :(
  5. Hoo boy, how can any PC TDU player not sign this? I'm thinking of signing twice, under different emails...
  6. It was one of those o-150mph cheats. Basically, when he reset his car, he would just go BOOM and just disappear into the distance... And, the part that REALLY grates is that he kept hitting me and completely ruined my Gumball... Please ATARI, why do we have to put up with all this nonsense?
  7. Just let me confirm: If it's on the 28th, that means I have to wake up at 6am on the 29th right?
  8. Seen that on 2 different occasions before... Anyway here's some poor abandoned Lotus Esprit
  9. The email was definitely a surprise, makes me glad I joined these forums and play TDU
  10. Bah.. this year's crop sucked... Sega Rally 2 T-shirts Basically, my parents made a pact with all the friends and relatives not to waste money to buy presents for everyone's kids... :'( But I do have my Xmas present to myself though: a Creative ZEN 8GB MP3 player! woot!
  11. Man this is a stupid theme... Ah well, back to TDU
  12. Holy what the hell??!! Where did you get that??? <faints>
  13. Who needs the lights on all the time, especially if it never gets dark?
  14. I would think so... Anyway, what's the timings gonna be like? Or is it still too early to say?
  15. Actually, I do think that is a drift. Look closely and you can see the smoke against the Exige's right headlight
  16. I think this was better than the previous one
  17. I have a suggestion: instead of just one overall Gumball winner, maybe we should also have a few Stage and Day winners as well, so the rest of us wouldn't feel so bad
  18. It looks like you took a picture of your Xbox with your digital camera... the quality's horrible... And like CarBoy said, it's not drifting...
  19. Wow... the usefulness of being a 7 time F1 world champ... You get to drive anybody's car!
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