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Car Freak

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Everything posted by Car Freak

  1. Why can't car makers do their cars like this? They're freaking awesome! I don't know why, but I found the Phantom one particularly funny :D
  2. Well, I'm inclined to believe that it's real: http://www.autocar.co.uk/News/NewsArticle/Lamborghini-Reventon/243149/ In any case, Lambo have done that one thing to make the Reventon even more drool-worthy, by chopping its top off. The Reventon Coupe was slightly meh to me, but this just leaves me speechless
  3. Well, almost everthing. The 500 Abarth isn't so great to drive...
  4. I dunno... It's not really a stunner, but i suspect this is a car whose looks will grow on me... I mean, yes, some of the details are pretty ugly, but for some reason i like its stance, the way it sits on its wheels. I think a quick way to making this look better is too widen the headlamps and get rid of that air intake just beneath them
  5. It doesn't really matter what car the sound is from... Any engine being pushed hard will sound great Having said that though... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuPaXpe8pEg
  6. Figures you'd be the one to post this ;) It is a really cool and cute little thing though. Those Scuderia stripes are supposed to look cheap and contrived, but they're actually pretty dang awesome
  7. Well, perhaps ironically, Skodas seem to be overpriced only in the country of their origin...
  8. Really? It seems pretty amusing, from what I can gather of HTF's screenies
  9. Anyway, back to the original point of this topic, regardless of how good or bad everyone thinks Skodas are... For some reason it only just registered in my mind what wingman was talking about in his first post. That a Superb can cost as much as a Corvette is simply ridiculous...
  10. Saw a really nice white Scirocco with gloss black rims, as well as an Elise SC. Oh and a Jag E-type coupe as well, silver. Never knew there were any in Singapore :drool:
  11. How are your panning shots so smooth and sharp? Do you use a tripod? I mean, compared to one of mine: http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p265/1carfreak1/Formula%20Drift%202009/IMG_4927edit.jpg
  12. My sentiments exactly. Nothing actually wrong with the car, but just not a jaw-dropping stunner. The main gripe, i think, for many McLaren F1 fans out there is that this car isn't groundbreaking enough. It follows too closely the everyday supercar mould set by the F430 and Gallardo, unlike the no-holds-barred, sky's-the-limit F1. That said though, I'm still rather interested in it (though not as interested as Gordon Murray's T25). Where's the engine and drivetrain coming from? IIRC I read that it'll have a 7-speed automatic. From Mercedes, possibly? And I reckon the name's also rather daft
  13. A simple shot from me :) http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p265/1carfreak1/GRID/grid-20090212-180649edit.jpg
  14. I think your Octavia is the first-gen one, am I right? That might explain the build quality issues. Either that, or you're a really unlucky owner. All modern Skodas are based completely on VW components. Engines, chassis, most interior fittings, you name it. The new Superb is actually a very good car. My dad and I went for a test drive of that a month or two ago and he came away very impressed. Build quality is solid as a rock, the ride is pretty good, it's dead quiet inside the car, the DSG gearbox is really smooth, the 1.8l turbo engine is quite responsive, considering how much weight it has to lug around, and it has MASSIVE interior space. I'm 180cm (6ft) and my dad 187cm, and I had plenty of space to actually stretch out behind him! And I truly believe the huge boot can swallow everything including the kitchen sink. But anyway, back on topic, yeah sometimes car prices can be pretty ridiculous. The price you quoted in the first post, is that how much the Corvette costs from a dealer over there? Or did you simply convert the US price?
  15. No, this is why this thread needs people like us, to act as tie-breakers ;)
  16. The holiday's (i think) supposed to be so that people don't drive so much during the 1st two days, and there are fewer potential accidents. But yeah I don't think they've thought this through too well. Not only do they need months for the drivers to get used to the change, they also need to change all the cars themselves
  17. Sad that certain members of TDU-C are too immature to avoid doing this kind of thing. While I am fortunate to have almost never been the victim of a -rep, might I suggest a temporary ban for first time offenders found guilty of -repping people indiscriminately, and a perma-ban for repeat offenders?
  18. Very interesting story... I applaud their PM's ballsy move to go through with this plan. There may not be any chaos now, but certainly, down the road, more will happen (pardon the pun). I honestly wonder how long it will take drivers there to get used to driving on the other side of the road, definitely not helped by cars being LHD. Also, what is to become of all the LHD vehicles? Surely their value would drop massively because of this switch?
  19. Nice pic Variodical, but sadly I think EyeKatcher's going to win this one. That is a properly amazing picture
  20. Moving on, I pick the CTS because it looks better and has a V8. 'Nuff said
  21. Started with a Canon Powershot A520, which i used pretty much for 2 years, up till this year. Was sometimes interchanged with a Casio Exilim EX-V7, cos of better zoom and video capabilities Since March I've been using a Canon Powershot G10 (birthday present), and i really love it, to the point that I don't see the point in getting a DSLR. Having said that though, I sometimes still use the school's DSLRs when covering school events
  22. You can't "tell the difference a M3 from a 3-series". It's "tell the difference between a M3 and a 3-series. Honestly... :rolleyes: And actually (although I may be wrong), I think the Corvette has a very good chance of being faster than an M3, esp the Convertible, mainly because it weighs more than 1800kg :eek:
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