This is becoming a joke now, no? How many sub-sections and sub-forums do we actually need?
Before 2009 came and I was occasionally reading the Official Atari Boards that members were complaining about there being too many sub-forums on TDU:C and they found it confusing to find any relevant information.
Now we have sooo many more and yes, we are able to find out information easily, because we've gotten used to all the sections and where information is likely to be held. However new members may get confused and this could have an effect on the amount of members who actually stay around here. We have all these new members signing up every month, but how many of these do we see becoming active members? Not many!
With no dissrespect to Admin staff, do we really need a WR2 section and a Euro Truck Simulator section (foe example)? The ETS section only has 3 threads with a considerable number of replies in. So is there really a need for a sub-forum for it? (I wont comment on the WR2 one as it is a new section, however I can't envisage it having more than 3/4 threads tops. I don't think enough TDU:C members play it to have it's own section. I understand GTA IV having one, as it is a well-played game amongst TDU:C members - or at least it was at one point.