Oh my, how someone can mis-interpret a post so badly. I don't listen to this music either, two people in my IT class listen to nothing but BANGBANGBANGSCREAMREALLYLOUD and it's really annoying, you can't tell what they're saying and it really makes one angry. Agreed.
No offense intended, and do not give me an infraction because you can't handle it but, I don't like people like you. I deliberately used the phrase "something that people will call 'emo' " to avoid this situation. Just because it's called emo music does not mean that it'll make you want to slit your wrists, so to speak. The music that I listen to is predominantly labelled as emo yet when I listen to it, it will usually put me in a very good mood. Don't judge a book by it's cover, 'mate'.
Okay so people have differing opinions. But I can't understand your point, dance music makes me so bored that I'd rather be bashing my head against a sharp object. Why not press play and listen to it for 10 seconds, then press stop; THEN it is a good song. Why do you want to listen to the same 10 seconds of music REPEATED for over 4 minutes? I seriously dont get that...
Many good indie bands, yes.
Indie bands that have a differentiated sound, no.
All indie bands sound the same, unfortunately. Some of the songs I do really like; Wombats - Moving to New York for example is a good song.
That was the point of my post, no matter how many people I managed to annoy with my post I didn't care. If I managed to start an intellectual, and interesting argument about music and the theories behind different types then I achieved my objective.
Also, a note about the swearing. I actually didn't notice the s word in there, stinger's infraction PM made me notice that and I'll apologise.
I'll agree, some might have talent. But the world will never know if they have talent because it is hidden behind their manager's greed for success and money. They have no talent, to the public eye, they are merely puppets doing what they're told to become famous. In my book, they can gtfo.
I've explained about why I felt the need to come across the way I did, and it worked. I managed to get a discussion started on a topic that I can argue my point creatively for. This is a forum after all.
People who act the same way IRL and on the internet, I feel sorry for if I'm completely honest. It's these people who fail to dis-associate the real world from the virtual world and end up making terrible mistakes with their real life. This is why, I have a slightly different persona online.
Amen, little to no computer added effects. The music is entirely their own, whereas R&B, rap and dance involves little to no human talent to be created, just someone who can work a mixer.
Chrisicus has the right idea, in my opinion. The heavier music calms me down, as long as it's not TOO heavy like Slipknot or these BANGBANGBANGSCREAMREALLYLOUD kinda stuff.
Amen yet again (lol it rhymes). Eminem actually is probably one of the only rappers I will listen to, but only a select few songs.
I love Linkin Park's music, their diversity is amazing. With a non-wannabe-black rapper and people who can play instruments, combined with little to no computer interference means that the music is absolutely amazing, sometimes.
Also, it was good to see H.I.M - Wings of a Butterfly on your post there.
Firstly, in reply to your post. A7x are amazing! <3
Also, I must dispute that indie puts you into a great mood. I was downstairs listening to the radio and on came a song by The Feeling, it made me angry how utterly horribly the guitar was and absolutely london-sounding they all were. A disgrace to British music.
And finally, sorry to anyone who read and was offended by my post (the one swear word that I used). All I have to say is, if you read a swear word on a forum and get offended you need to get out more.
Also, thanks for the infraction Stinger. Pity it doesn't mean anything, eh? LMAO. Are you people really that naive about the internet?
Have a good day all, and I hope to read something interesting to continue discussing. :)