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Everything posted by Speed

  1. No Voting For Yourself, including multiple accounts! We are watching you, don't try it, we will notice. You will be disqualified, and could face other punishments. You have been warned. The theme this week was Koenigseggs. Entrants: 1. gunned_down666 http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s72/Gunned_Down/20090402121935.jpg 2. Baltoman 3. beem3r 4. HappyTreeFriend 5. GTAMADDOG http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/20080811172346.jpg 6. tdu66 7. Mb 8. Trill Yeti -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- 9. BAk99 http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v379/JR_99/007_small.jpg 10. GalyPoland 11. RamseyOfficial http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j152/GT5_nfscars/20090330190753.jpg 12. Kelvjy -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- 13. andrew1320 http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa81/aNdReWxCoStE/koenig3r.jpg 14. EyeKatcher http://i482.photobucket.com/albums/rr182/EyeKatcher/potw39.jpg 15. M a r c o P o l o http://i333.photobucket.com/albums/m362/ChrisChakk/20090331183457.jpg 16. zo6dude http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii107/corvette1_2008/20090404234049.jpg 17. tard01even 18. Grin116 19. RTY123 http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/jj131/Rulezz009/TDU/tdu%20potw/20090401175350.jpg 20. Maplecars http://i571.photobucket.com/albums/ss159/MapleCarsZ/20090401224627.jpg 21. speedydank 22. RX_37 http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n62/Rx_37/20090401213200.jpg 23. Cimanu 24. DanG323i http://i269.photobucket.com/albums/jj61/DanG323/TDU/20090403201630.jpg 25. 560BHP -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) --
  2. :birthday: Good luck with the driving, I find it's alot easier than most people think ;)
  3. Was just about to make this thread, glad I searched first :p Anyway, :birthday: zo6dude. --------------------------------- P.S. Happy birthday to the 20 other members whos birthday it is today, pretty popular day to be born, so have a good day all of you :D
  4. Congrats to pyrre for his 2nd win :D This week your vehicle must be a Koenigsegg. Entrants: 1. gunned_down666 2. Baltoman 3. beem3r 4. HappyTreeFriend 5. GTAMADDOG 6. tdu66 7. Mb 8. Trill Yeti 9. BAk99 10. GalyPoland 11. RamseyOfficial 12. Kelvjy 13. andrew1320 14. EyeKatcher 15. M a r c o P o l o 16. zo6dude 17. tard01even 18. Grin116 19. RTY123 20. Maplecars 21. speedydank 22. RX_37 23. Cimanu 24. DanG323i 25. 560BHP 26. ShadowGT 27. aleksin 28. Cuban_Legend 29. Safiro 30. Flying_Eagle 31. ɹǝʌouǝllɐɟǝʌı 32. Ryzza5 33. uVx2k Rules: 1. No Noticable Photoshopping (Apart from Borders, Brightness/ Contrast, Your Name/Logo) 2. No voting for yourself come poll day! 3. The pictures must be taken by you!! 4. If you do not like this theme or the new rules, then let me know without all screaming at me. 5. No entering of photos that have previously won PotW. 6. Choose your own entry, don't ask people to do it for you. 7. Please upload your photo in 800x640 or smaller and with a filesize less than 350kb! If not, it will not be entered!!! 8. Koenigsegg. New Rules (Please Read) If you wish to change your entry, please just edit your original post and replace the old pic with your new one. (This is just to help keep the thread clean and make it simpler for me to find the correct pics when I make the poll. Thanks :)) Closing Date: Sunday 5th April
  5. -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) --
  6. 26. BArk99 http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v379/JR_99/BMWZ4_004.jpg 27. Danger Sponge http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g226/metal_man_409e/20090318234027.jpg 28. Ninja Fish http://i127.photobucket.com/albums/p140/race_invader/20090309130411.jpg 29. Ryzza5 30. Kelvjy -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- 31. RX_37 http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n62/Rx_37/20090310201405.jpg 32. tdu66 33. Jensen 34. dredgy 35. andrew1320 http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa81/aNdReWxCoStE/20090317203142.jpg 36. Pred 37. Cadillac Sixteen 38. Thrill Yeti -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- 39. DanG323i -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- 40. aleksin 41. stothy13 http://i630.photobucket.com/albums/uu23/stothy_13/20090321091814.jpg 42. big-t1991 43. Safiro http://i396.photobucket.com/albums/pp49/SafiroTDU/TDU/38Entry.jpg 44. DaVidOFF_PL_Brz 45. Ringo_60013 http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z316/Ringo_60013/20090123220441.jpg 46. Mike_666 http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r79/Agent__47/TDU/20090224170842.jpg 47. 560BHP -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- 48. Koenigsegg 49. Speed -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) --
  7. No Voting For Yourself, including multiple accounts! We are watching you, don't try it, we will notice. You will be disqualified, and could face other punishments. You have been warned. The theme this week was the Convertibles. Entrants: 1. Pressurized 2. Evel http://i215.photobucket.com/albums/cc60/Evel_Masta/20090208135715.jpg 3. Sunny -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- 4. Car Freak http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p265/1carfreak1/Test%20Drive%20Unlimited/20090218220318edit.jpg 5. WALRUS -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- 6. InVo -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- 7. turbo lag -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- 8. iminthetoilet 9. pyrre http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa118/far54/20090131144342e.jpg 10. SLRRR -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- 11. EyeKatcher http://i482.photobucket.com/albums/rr182/EyeKatcher/TDU%20Screenshots/20090318114112-klein.jpg 12. Flying_Eagle 13. HappyTreeFriend 14. GTAMADDOG http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/00006-3.jpg 15. GalyPoland 16. T3hReaper http://i346.photobucket.com/albums/p433/T3hReaper/TDU/TDU380.jpg 17. BeliarPL http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g5/BeliarPL/1-11.jpg 18. thunderhawk17382 19. ɹǝʌouǝllɐɟǝʌı http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii239/Spitfire_RT/TDU/20081203185413.jpg 20. Donut_GoInThere http://i433.photobucket.com/albums/qq59/IcedBullet2/Test%20Drive%20Unlimited/PotW/potw38.jpg 21. ShadowGT -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- 22. Abstandhalterin 23. Mb 24. eky_123 25. Baltoman
  8. Well that was pretty pointless :p Maybe you should just have both of them as the theme, and let entrants choose which car they wish to photoshop?
  9. No worries, you vote has been removed from your total :)
  10. Why have you created this topic again, just update the one you already made here. :locked:
  11. Congrats to Sunny for his 2nd win :D This week your vehicle must be a convertible/ roadster. Entrants: 1. Pressurized 2. Evel 3. Sunny 4. Car Freak 5. WALRUS 6. InVo 7. turbo lag 8. iminthetoilet 9. pyrre 10. SLRRR 11. EyeKatcher 12. Flying_Eagle 13. HappyTreeFriend 14. GTAMADDOG 15. GalyPoland 16. T3hReaper 17. BeliarPL 18. thunderhawk17382 19. ɹǝʌouǝllɐɟǝʌı 20. Donut_GoInThere 21. ShadowGT 22. Abstandhalterin 23. Mb 24. eky_123 25. Baltoman 26. BArk99 27. Danger Sponge 28. Ninja Fish 29. Ryzza5 30. Kelvjy 31. RX_37 32. tdu66 33. Jensen 34. dredgy 35. andrew1320 36. Pred 37. Cadillac Sixteen 38. Thrill Yeti 39. DanG323i 40. aleksin 41. stothy13 42. big-t1991 43. Safiro 44. DaVidOFF_PL_Brz 45. Ringo_60013 46. Mike_666 47. 560BHP 48. Koenigsegg Rules: 1. No Noticable Photoshopping (Apart from Borders, Brightness/ Contrast, Your Name/Logo) 2. No voting for yourself come poll day! 3. The pictures must be taken by you!! 4. If you do not like this theme or the new rules, then let me know without all screaming at me. 5. No entering of photos that have previously won PotW. 6. Choose your own entry, don't ask people to do it for you. 7. Please upload your photo in 800x640 or smaller and with a filesize less than 350kb! If not, it will not be entered!!! 8. Convertible/ Roadster. New Rules (Please Read) If you wish to change your entry, please just edit your original post and replace the old pic with your new one. (This is just to help keep the thread clean and make it simpler for me to find the correct pics when I make the poll. Thanks :)) Closing Date: Sunday 22nd March
  12. Please post a translation into English if you wish to post in a different language. Also please try to avoid brining up old threads.
  13. Over the Pot?!!? -------- Awww, you edited it :crying:
  14. :welcome: to TDUC, enjoy the craziness :thumbsup:
  15. Yey, I'm going to join you apparently :p
  16. Hmmm, I recognise that tower picture, isn't it the one you put as the reflection in your lens of a picture of you?
  17. Lmao, nice one Diablo! :thumbsup: As for the stats, get's more unbelievable every month!
  18. TDU is clearly a great game, everyone here is going to say so, that's why we're all here in the first place :D As for MCLA (the only other game on the list I've played) I'd say it is a very good game, however it's not too difficult, not very long, and the story isn't great. I guess the only reason I liked it was because how easy it was to pick up and play, mainly due to the poor physics, but it makes a great arcade racer at least :)
  19. Shame not everyone could connect to each other in group 1 :( Iced, TSS and I had a good cruise though, maybe either of them will put some photos/ videos up later :)
  20. Congrats on 1000 posts :)

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