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Everything posted by Speed

  1. Lol, so true :D Here we go then, time to copy and paste 40 images :p
  2. Got a lot of work to do, so the vote will be up tomorrow, sorry for the inconvenience :(
  3. Vote will start later tonight :) (If you would still like to enter, hurry up, you've got about an hour)
  4. Lol, back on topic, :welcome: :D
  5. Just can't be bothered Lol, so many people to add to the list! :p
  6. It's not his birthday yet, but oh well Lol. :birthday: I hope you enjoy that Deal or No Deal game, we all know you want it!
  7. Yeah, I've been thinking this for a while now too, starting next week, you'll have to decide yourself :p
  8. Did you really need to make a thread for each seperate car? One thread for the lot would have been fine...
  9. Yeah I see it now :D Very nice pic ;)
  10. Try this... http://imageshack.us/
  11. Ghostracer, don't see your pic, don't know if it's just me, but any chance of a reupload?
  12. Congratulations to Iced_Bullet for winning last week ;) The theme this week is German Cars. Your picture must contain a German Car, simple. (15th September, 1935 - Nazi Germany adopts a new national flag with the swastika. You can thank Iced_Bullet for that fascinating fact :p) Got a feeling this theme will be reasonably popular, so enter early to avoid disappointment! Entrants: 1. Iced_Bullet 2. MadMax 3. GTAMADDOG 4. The Mattin 5. Hughsie 6. *GhostRacerGTI* 7. zo6dude 8. ShadowGT 9. Peregrine 10. Car Freak 11. gunned_down666 12. iOmer 13. Djey 14. pyrre 15. Safiro TDU 16. HappyTreeFriend 17. T3hReaper 18. Nopileus 19. Baltoman 20. Ruub 21. Andreaz1 22. Ringo_60013 23. Speedtouch 24. Speeder 25. Pressurized 26. Beem3r 27. acardboardbox 28. CarboyZR1 29. Leadfoot[YT] 30. aripall 31. 560BHP 32. BAk99 33. minulescu 34. Devang_Gandhi 35. [sKC]Matt88 36. MARK1992 37. Mb 38. GalyPoland 39. kevvyd 40. Giel2008 41. 440BHP 42. Crying Cabbage Rules: 1. No Noticable Photoshopping (Apart from Borders, Brightness/ Contrast, Your Name/Logo) 2. No voting for yourself come poll day! 3. The pictures must be taken by you!! 4. If you do not like this theme, then let me know without all screaming at me. 5. No entering of photos that have previously won PotW. 6. German. New Rules (Please Read) If you wish to change your entry, please just edit your original post and replace the old pic with your new one. (This is just to help keep the thread clean and make it simpler for me to find the correct pics when I make the poll. Thanks :)) Please note: If there are more than 50 entrants then the first 50 will be the ones entered into the vote, as this is the limit. Because of this I will try to keep the first post up to date so you always know how many people have already entered. Sorry for any inconvenience. Closing Date: Sunday 21st September
  13. Maybe if the chat box was at the bottom of the index instead of the top, then people would have to scoll past the threads to get to it?
  14. You can click the arrow so the chatbox doesn't appear you know? :)
  15. Isn't that what this is? http://forum.turboduck.net/showthread.php?t=5351
  16. :welcome: Don't forget to stay you're Scottish's Friend! That makes you basically famous!
  17. Lol, it takes a couple of minutes to enter 23 peoples names into the voting options you know! ;)
  18. No Voting For Yourself, including multiple accounts! We are watching you, don't try it, we will notice. You will be disqualified, and could face other punishments. You have been warned. The theme this week was TVR. Entrants: 1. Iced_Bullet http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s79/IcedBullet/Test%20Drive%20Unlimited/PotW/TVR_potw.jpg 2. Cakeflour 3. GalyPoland 4. zo6dude http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii107/corvette1_2008/POTW25.jpg 5. Car Freak http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p265/1carfreak1/Test%20Drive%20Unlimited/20080529010007edit.jpg 6. Nopileus http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb207/Nopileus/Testdrive%20ForumPics/20080902045346.jpg 7. safiro tdu 8. T3hReaper http://i346.photobucket.com/albums/p433/T3hReaper/Test%20Drive%20Unlimited/20080811231257.jpg 9. Homer_Bart http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l113/Homer_Bart/20080902174759.jpg 10. Leadfoot[YT] -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- 11. jspel 12. HappyTreeFriend -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (xs.to) -- 13. pyrre http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa118/far54/20080902164006s.png 14. Hughsie 15. Bak99 16. 560BHP 17. minulescu http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk82/minu94/20080903000036.jpg 18. MadMax http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l184/MadMax2506/Test%20Drive%20Unlimited/potw251max.png 19. RamseyOfficial http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j152/GT5_nfscars/20080902185814.jpg 20. Peregrine http://i196.photobucket.com/albums/aa221/Peregrine_photos/20080902193422.jpg 21. Ringo_60013 22. gunned_down666 23. Andreaz1 http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii239/Spitfire_RT/20080906144527.jpg 24. mistermojo http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s79/IcedBullet/Test%20Drive%20Unlimited/Mojo_TDU_Potw.jpg
  19. -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- Lol, for some reason it only shows the basic colour rather than the advanced one, but oh well :D
  20. Thread will be up later, busy watching Soccer Aid Lol.
  21. Damn I've missed loads, why does the title still say V1.0 when the last download link is V1.4?
  22. Meh, I know he's registered because for my test I needed his registered driving instructors number, and I passed theory and practical first time, so not really bothered.
  23. Pft. a) His names Mick. b) He takes the Ls off when he's not teaching, because you're treated differently when you have them on. Be pretty difficult tearing the decals off every time too?
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