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Everything posted by Speed

  1. My network isn't rubbish, so shut up. And there's no need to post when you have nothing helpful to say, you seem to do that a lot, it's just spam really, no need for it.
  2. Just threw this together, tell me if it's what you were thinking of/ anything you want changed :) Good pic btw :D
  3. :eek_blue: It's your birthday Diablo, why didn't you say so! Happy Birthday man, hope you enjoy yourself! :D
  4. What software do you have? And what sort of sig, there's loads of different types... :) (Yes most of those are quite bad, but I'm better now than I used to be when I made some of those :)) P.S. 5 of them are in use still (I think :))
  5. Lol but how can I tell if they're old or new? I'm not psychic!
  6. Hey, I'm thinking about getting a 360 this coming week, but I have a possible problem. We have a Wireless network in our house, so there is no way to get the internet trhough a line to my room. For my computer I have a wireless adapter, and I found this for the 360 but I was just wondering if anyone else uses one, whether it's easy to set up and whether it works for the Elite version of the 360 as well? Thanks in advance :)
  7. Bananas are cool! That's what they're for, to get your attention! :bananasplit::bananaskip::bananahello::bananajump::bananadance:
  8. Lol, didn't realise this was in the 360 part of the forum. I guess my method would only work for PC, sorry :)
  9. This is just a theory that I've thought of right now, so it may not work. 1. Make a copy of your profile folder in your documents. 2. Get on TDU, sell a good car really cheap to a friend. 3. Delete your profile and replace it with the first copy. 4. Now you both have the same car (in thoery) :) Of course, you wont gain anything from this, but if you need to help out a friend with a cheap car, but you don't want to lose money yourself, then this could be a good alternative (I think) :D
  10. Because of the reduced number of entrants from last time, I have decided that this week shall be a free for all to get some of the forums' newer members interested. There is no theme this week, so enter whatever photo you like, anything goes :) As before, just post thumbnails in this thread, or attach them to the post. Images must be 800x600 or less. There is a 15 entrant maximum, so if it comes to it, the first 15 will be the ones entered. The poll will start on 25th October, Or if all slots get filled, then it will begin sooner. Enjoy :D Entrants: 1. CarboyX 2. Car Freak 3. RB26DETT 4. Scarface.au 5. Mb 6. Speed 7. ShadowGT 8. Iced_Bullet 9. S71NG3R 10. MadMax 11. ///AMGedUP 12. TheScottishSpotter 13. 14. 15.
  11. Rofl no, he got more votes, that's just how it work :D
  12. Er no, I have never said anything about bandwidth because I have no idea about what happens, no experience with websites, and no experience with html either, so I have no idea where you've got those facts from, but they certainly were not from me. I really have no clue as to how bandwidth works. P.S. Very nice photos :) I love Hondas!
  13. Congratulations to SpeedraceR, I guess your photo will be on the top banner soon :) I'll start a new entry thread tomorrow hopefully, so we can start all over again :D
  14. Iced, as you keep reminding us to choose a car, would you mind choosing one yourself, as really you should follow the same rules as the rest of us. ;)
  15. Ok just been on TDU, and I've changed my mind on what car I want to use. Ascari KZ1 Stage 3 please :)
  16. Where does he say he has Vista? Am I blind?
  17. I have Duo Core and TDU runs fine for me, so I don't think that is the problem. Also his whole rig is better than mine so I'd say it must be an out of date driver thing, and you never know, restarting often fixes a lot of things, and also uninstalling and trying it all over again :)
  18. Half your votes were bias anyway! Your best friend and your brother make up 2 out of the 4, at least Lr and I have people we've only met online! ;)
  19. As I said in the other thread, if I had remembered it wouldn't have made a difference. It would just have been a 3 way tie with you included, but for now it's just a 2 pic sudden death. I can't vote for myself and win after all Lol. :D Vote Here!
  20. Rofl I was going to make it a 3 way tie. Nugget for forgetting to vote in something that helps you out yourself? Lmao sure why not? Owned myself why? I can't vote for myself, so I was only going to make it worse for myself anyway? New poll here :)
  21. This week was a draw, so here goes a 24 hour sudden death match between myself and -Lr-SpeedraceR. Please vote for your favourite/ which one you think looks best :) 1. -Lr-SpeedraceR -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- 2. Speed -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) --
  22. Just noticed that this has ended and it's a draw Rofl. I meant to vote at the last second and I forgot Lol, but oh well, I'll go make a sudden death thing now :)
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