See attachments :)
I'm taking this as sarcasm, as only 8 people can be in a session at once, however if there are more than 8 people we weill most likely split into 2 groups, 2 sessions, therefore up to 16 people. However I doubt this to be the case because I doubt there will be more than 8 people with SouthendRage and TheScottishSpotter both away this week.
Yes, there is a cruise every day at 8pm GMT however at the moment there has been a slight break down in this because a few members are away for this week as mentioned above, so there isn't one on today as far as I know. Starting tomorrow the cruises will begin/ continue again, so check out this thread to see whats going on, especially the first post by S71NG3R as that contains the rules and locations of each cruise.