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Everything posted by Speed

  1. Lol it was just me and him and some random people racing round the track in skylines =) Just tried to jump to you but you disappeared =( I guess you've logged out?
  2. If anyone does want to cruise, I'll be at Meeting Place A for a while, just normal road rules, etc.
  3. Obviously by my eagerness to do just about everything in the club (Lol) I'm fine leading the cruise, but as always (again) there's no guarantee that I will be there at 8.30. It'll be 8.40 at the latest, it's always asap, but if I'm there on time then I'm happy to lead basically.
  4. Just to get us back on topic, the only difference I've noticed after the patch is that XFire keeps getting error messages and freezing TDU and then closing it. This never happened before the patch, so yeah, that's my feedback =) P.S. Nice Photos S71NG3R.
  5. I don't know if you've seen the TDU - C club video already, but my only tip that hasn't been mentioned is shown very well in it: See how he merges the images with the sound, I'm guessing it's a very hard skill but it makes the video so much more appealing. Apart from that, Congratualtions on a very well made first video =)
  6. Sorry I missed todays cruise guys, slept in a little late so had to arrange some other things around and unfortunately TDU got pushed aside. Had a good cruise afterwards with Spot though so not all was lost. Anyway this post is just to say I should definately be at the cruise tomorrow, maybe a little late as always, but I'll get there. Cyas.
  7. #1 Welcome. #2 I love your Avatar =) #3 Have Fun! (P.S, Sorry for double post, as it was sending I noticed there was an extra line between #1 and #2 so i stopped it, deleted the line and sent it again, without noticing it had been posted already!)
  8. #1 Welcome. #2 I love your Avatar =) #3 Have Fun!
  9. Enzo Ferrari for me, just because it's the car I've dont the most miles in and its what I'm used to, and of course the handling's not bad either =)
  10. England because it has a wider range of areas rather than just the sloping hills of New Zealand, the downtown areas of Tokyo or the repetitiveness of having another Hawaiin island.
  11. I know it's alot bigger than the current island, but I would have to say England, there's loads of different areas with different features, and it would be really interesting visiting them all. I agree with KingSkyline tho, all your ideas are great, they would all make great games but as ShadowGT says, it would need to be an island, becasue invisible walls and the like are just not realistic.
  12. And it's got to be at 8pm, Lol, right during our cruise, I guess I'll be a bit late for that one =) Thanks for the info, I would've never known without this, I would +Rep you but it won't let me, so just a big thanks for now.
  13. So do you know when this will be fixed, or has it already been fixed (I guess it had to be for you to type that message!) Will you be at the cruises from now on then? We miss you Spot!! I got this too, still fun when you block them in and they don't realise they could just drive straight through you =) Yeah well done Zurious, great fun last night with just us 2 chasing down S71NG3R, looking forward to more chases like that!! =D Thankyou S71NG3R for inviting me into your family of players! Yes I definately will keep enjoying the cruises, many more to come hopefully =D P.S. When's the next Drifting at the Track because I'm eager to learn as I've never been there before. Thankyou again for inviting me into the club.
  14. Just so you know, to answer your earlier question, I've been to 3 cruises in the last week and another one a while back, I'd say about 3 weeks ago. I always stay til about 2 in the morning with either Spot of S71NG3R, but I know you can't do that by another of your earlier posts so maybe that does seem unfair to you, but the key reason I personally think I'm in the TDU - C club is because I'm always eager to learn and eager to play the game, I'd much rather cruise with friends than play on my own. Just show that this is applicable to you too and you should be in the club in no time (sorry if any of that sounded arrogant or like I know what I'm talking about, because most of it is just guessing based on my own experience and my own personality.) Also the cruises at 8 are just about having fun, so if you're not having fun and you're only coming to try and join the club then maybe you should change that. Just trying to help, hope no one is offended or anything, Good Luck StephenJWolfe. P.S. I think this is the longest and most serious post I've ever written! =)
  15. I know I've only had the game a month, but surely I wouldn't miss a race track! How do I get to this race track and is there any requirements or anything? Thanks.
  16. Best cuise ever, seriously, that was the most fun I've ever had on TDU, I just love teamwork! And now im a member of TDU - Central Club (Yey!) So I guess as we do more cruises, we'll become a better team, which means a lot more fun in the future. Secondly, I'd just like to say to anyone reading this who cares, if you are interested in a friendly group of players to cruise with and have fun with each and every day, TDU - C is the place to be. Everyone is really helpful with anything and everything, so come join us, 8pm GMT every night, after all we're just here to have fun! You're not joking with long cruises Lol, I chased you for over 10 miles at the end until i finally stopped you =D Great fun! Anyway, Cya in game tomorrow hopefully. P.S. Thank you.
  17. Sorry for all the questions I ask, but I have some more =) What video recording software did you use to record the TDU Central Club Video in the first post, and what video editing software did you use to put all the videos together, with the effects and sound and everything? Thanks.
  18. Heya, just thought I'd say I can't make it to tonights cruise because I'm not at home so I'll see you guys tomorrow for the Mafia cruise. And also, Congratualations S71NG3R on 500+ posts!
  19. 100% interested as you already know, I'll definately be there, and I won't be late Lol.
  20. Gotta say the lead singer of Scissor Sisters, Jake Shears. His voice is so high, so entertaining, Lol. You just gotta love this performance from The Brits 2007: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mv9VxoJzrQQ I know I'm gonna get critisized for this because you're all naming rock/ metal singers and I come in with a pop group, so just to give you more to critisize, I'm actually a keen Eminem fan so he would be my second best, even though he's not technically a singer, rather than a rapper.
  21. Thanks for letting me know so soon, it's much appreciated. + Rep.
  22. Lol David, you somehow manage to reply to my post on here faster than on msn from the messages I left you an hour and a half ago =) Any requirement for tomorrow by the way? Is it time for David's Special "Secret" Cruise? Lol.
  23. Word of Mouth for me. 2 of my friends and I decided to all buy TDU, and one of them told me this was equivalent to the "GunzFactor for Gunz", which is a compliment by the way. "Gunz:The Duel" was the last game we played as a group, so it seemed appropriate to all register here, so here we are. See the following links if you're interested, however as I've said we left Gunz for TDU so you would be moving down in the quality of gaming to go from TDU to Gunz, if you understand? Gunz Website: http://gunz.ijji.com/ GunzFactor Forums: http://www.gunzfactor.com/forums/ Cya. P.S. I have read the forum rules and I feel this does relate to the board subject because it is where we came from, hope that's OK, delete my links if you disagree, I'm not forcing or even asking anyone to click them. Thanks.
  24. Any four door car is acceptable? Or does it need to be a certain class? P.S. Sorry for missing today's cruise, I got online at 22:25 GMT/ BST and everyone had already gone.
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