Yet another Atari forumer fed up with the noobs and bitching. Someone mentioned these forums and I searched and found them, and thank christ for that. The official forums are just buggered basically, but enough of that.
As some of the more astute members (i.e. those who can read) might have guessed, I am jambo. I'm an Aussie, 19 years old and male. I've been playing TDU since it was released and lucky for me I have had no bugs or problems at all! I enjoy racing games a lot, having grown up playing the NFS and TD series. The only games I love more than racers are FPSs. I regularly play CSS, DoDS, BF2, ET:QW and UT2004 on all the popular Aussie servers.
I'm also a staff write for PlanetUnreal and HalfLifeNode and regularly post on their forums.
My TDU in-game name is SeanPincombe, so if you run in to me in-game i'll always be up for a chat and a cruise. You can also reach me through MSN and XFire (jambo77). I also started the XFire TDU Forumers Team on the official forums and it's still running, so if you want to join it head on over to and apply.
Anyway I think that's enough so see you in the forums and on the roads! =]