I made this thread so people can tell the stories behind their playstations :)
So let me start:
I got my first ever own gaming console in year 1999 if I remember right. It was the old PlayStation and it came with the game "Formula one". I sure have some good memories of it. I had some great games (well,at least I think they were great),including Crash Bandicoot,Spyro 2,Driver 2,Formula 1 98 and many,many,many others!
My playstation 2 is the old,fat model. Believe it or not, I got it as a christmas present on the year it was released! I was embarassed because I opened the small presents first and one of them included Tony Hawk 4 for PS2. I had wished for the PS1 one and I thought that santa had bought the wrong version :D. Then when I opened the biggest box...OMG PS2!!! It's still working great! I have bought around 30 games for it including Guitar Hero,Need for speeds from underground to carbon,Gran turismo 4 and many many others. I don't play it much anymore. I guess there's only 1 game worth getting for my PS2 and it will be Motorstorm: Arctic edge. That's my PS2 :)
And you can tell about your PSP's and PS3's also. I don't bother telling about my sisters PSP because,well,it's my sisters.