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Everything posted by Camel

  1. Get some penguins.
  2. Does your flat mate also have an Xbox? Having more than one connected to a router will almost certainly put one into moderate/strict NAT. Also have you forwarded any ports to the IP address of your Xbox?
  3. I've noticed the invisible wall thing too in several areas. It only usually happens when you're in the middle of a small jump or have just landed. Very noticeable on the right hand side of the road down from the airport in Oahu. Where the town is.
  4. I think Diablo is trying to get them to replace the cats with Goats and instead of putting them on the sofa, put them in a tree in the garden.
  5. :hello:
  6. Really? Nice of you to share that with us. :p
  7. There is an ice cream truck parked at the end of a dead end road. So who knows, they may give us free ice cream! :p
  8. I think he's talking about the likes of Ducati and the F40 etc. and not the ACR or Hotrod. Unless they are all actually on the disc already.
  9. Look at the first post. (hint: yes you can)
  10. No one has been banned... Yet.
  11. Giime gimme gimme F40. :drool:
  12. Technically it is Downloadable Content. :p To get the cars/content legitimately and so that other people can see them you have to download the keyfile or whatever they use over various platforms which in itself is content.. You just don't see it. /pedantic
  13. Scooby for me but only because I used it for exploring Hawaii and parts of Ibiza as it's a fast and good off roader. Got just over 750 miles on it. It show up on the MyTDUlife thing becase I cba taking a photo
  14. *infracts*
  15. Gone for FlameDogg too.
  16. It could be your router or the servers. It should be fine as long as you can still connect to other players. Try rebooting your router if you have problems with it again.
  17. Have you thought that it could be that your CPU is barely at the minimum requirements and may be under? It's one of the energy saving ones which means it gets outperformed by CPUs that appear to be lower down i the series. Even if it's overclocked it won't be far at all above the minimum requirements. It could just be that your CPU is bottlenecking your GPU which causes that to also under perform. E: Beaten by 6 minutes!? :I shouldn't leave my laptop for half an hour before replying to a thread. :lol:
  18. I don't think thy planned for the air brakes to be animated on any cars. At least the spoilers pop up when you reach a certain speed. Would be a nice feature though.
  19. Most people I've come across have been nice and they drive with you and not into you. However I have had runnings with my fair share of "I have a faster car than you, therefore I'm superior" type people that just ram you in Veyrons.
  20. Welcome to TDUCk! :hello:
  21. I can ban almost everyone! :evil: Wonder if I can ban Baldy. :hmmm: :p
  22. I can't infract me. :( But I can ban me. :)
  23. :welcome: But you won't get any links to download the game here apart from legal ones where you pay for the game.
  24. :welcome:
  25. Yup, the Atom absolutely hammers the Veyron going into and coming out of every corner. The exit speed is way higher for the Atom which means you're gaining more ground on the Veyron whilst the Veyron is starting to accelerate again.
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