Odd issue with paint and rims.
hi 2CV i have version 1.68a installed and i've just installed both the 2 '72 Daytona's. its a fantastic mod btw, but i have a problem.
when i go to a paint shop to change the colour it changes the colour fine but if i enter a house and then go back to the car, the car refuses to stay the colour i painted it, instead changing back to black. the other problem is that the car does not have the wire spoke wheels or the 5 spoke type in the game, it uses the default rims only. these problems are with both cars, other than these problems the cars are fine, engine sound has changed to the specified one,and the physics as well...etc.
i installed both cars after installing 1.68a and both using the auto installer supplied.
i have already tried to fix the issues myself but to no avail.
PS: i seem to have fixed the issue with the patch and traffic mods i PM'ed you about this morning, don't know how i did but it works fine now.