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Everything posted by hesonly5

  1. :eek: Your pics are made of awesome! :D
  2. But, if you thought he meant I owned one, why did you think he meant RB? He has a Corolla... NUGGET! D:
  3. But, the whole problem with fabris roofs is that they leak, and are very easy for your local yob to slash. Surely making a whole car out of it is a bit pointless? :p Although, I suppose it'll be better for mechaphiles....
  4. Awesome wall! Care to share? :) Flyouts are okay, but they need a real supercomputer to work, and even then they get a little slow when you navigate into too many sub-menus :p
  5. :eek: That is seriously awesome! Brilliant!
  6. ROFL! The remix is funny, the originals just downright disturbing xD
  7. I thought I would just be flamed for spamming if I made a whole new thread, but there we go. It's obviously assumed I'm spamming whatever I do :rolleyes:
  8. And you both have individual photo threads, and you two aren't a club :p Not that it's really a problem as far as I'm concerned, I was just winding you up...
  9. I posted this! http://forum.turboduck.net/showpost.php?p=75672&postcount=30 But of course, no one reads my posts 'cause they're all spam :rolleyes:
  10. That's what I was listening to! And you announced the below when I was explaining to you what it was :p
  11. Looks funneh too me. The fronts all aggresive and grr and full of angles and the back is all smooth and flowing and whee and it doesn't match :/
  12. The back doesn't really go with the front IMO... I dunno. I don't think it looks as good as it could do.
  13. AWESOME! I want that twingo! xD Talking of funkeh cars, I want a VW Lupo/Seat Arouser ^__^
  14. I didn't think the album was what everyone made it out to be, but I wasn't expecting it to. I'm pretty sure that a lot of people would still think Coldplay are amazing if they'd done summat along the lines of the Pirates from Eurovision(Latvia, wasn't it? XD). It's not bad though, needs a couple more listens, me thinks. Cool song btw, me likes *dance*
  15. Technically, you're not allowed this thread ;)
  16. Don't use the night mod then :p OR download GIMP and brighten them up in there
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