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Everything posted by GTAMADDOG

  1. Three songs? Can't do that. Albums: AC/DC - Black Ice. The Clash - The Essential Clash. Megadeth - Youthanasia. These come to mind first and aren't the only albums. It's too hard for me to choose three songs or even albums.
  2. I personally don't think that the original Test Drive Unlimited looks that bad, even today. Yeh, it's a bit rough in some places but it's better than a lot of games and Test Drive Unlimited 2 is going to be a step up so I'm not too bothered either.
  3. Looking at that reminds me that I'm off to look at some Alfa Romeo Giuliettas today with my mum because she wants to upgrade from her Polo. I wonder if the showroom employees will remember me from when my dad ordered/picked up our MiTo. Some of the VW showroom employees did when I walked into the VW stand at a local car show earlier this year. [mod edit:] Please do not quote images, thanks!
  4. Thanks, I'll look at Flyawaysimulation because fs-freeware.net is what I was on earlier ;)
  5. I haven't really bothered with modding FSX at all really, it's just a game I go on from time to time. I just went on some random website which I found from a Google Search and got quite a few skins in a pack for the 737-800.
  6. Oh my God. I was just thinking "I wonder if there's a Ryanair skin for FSX" while I was just on FSX. Great shots.
  7. EyeKatcher. Amazing, really. I wish I'd got the chance to see something like that, even if I didn't have my camera on me.
  8. The usual for a normal Saturday trip to Cheltenham.. Audi R8. BMW Z4M. BMW M6. Nissan GT-R. Porsche 911 Turbo.
  9. REX 2.0 was going to be my next move until I saw there was an addon for Canary Islands scenery.. I downloaded a "High Definition" Aiport Runway/Parking mod from the Real Environment Extreme website, I don't think I've installed the files correctly, though. Well, atleast I can't tell the difference so I'm guessing I haven't done something right.
  10. There are always websites like this one: http://www.pixlr.com/editor/ I don't know how well they fare compared to the actual programs as I've never tried them. Didn't see any meteors last night, this area got absolutely owned by cloud last night, and it even rained. I give up.
  11. I like it, alot. The view of the front of it is just :drool:
  12. It was clear last night here as well. I saw a few things moving up there at about 10:15pm but I couldn't make my mind up if they were just planes or not, they just looked like small bright white lights and didn't leave a trail. Had to have been really high up to be planes and flying on an irregular route to usual but, yeh. I had to be awake at 6am so didn't risk making my Friday any more Hellish by staying up until 1am. I'll see if there's anything about tonight.
  13. I read about something finding a work around for getting out of the demo area while I was at work today. Can't try it out yet, though. I've got places to be. Ahhh, Tenerife, my old friend. I get depressed remembering I was there a couple of weeks ago and that I'm not there now. /emo Nice shots.
  14. Basically what's been said, really. I've said it in the thread which announced the delay and I'll say it again - It's just a game, life goes on. I'll leave it at that but if you can't wait a few more months for a game to be made even better than it would've been originally... well.. To be honest I'm getting annoyed of seeing people complaining about the date being pushed back. Complain about it all you want but it's much more than likely not going to change a damn thing. You're just wasting energy going on and on about it. Just sit tight, buy some other games between now and next year to take your mind off it. There are loads of games which are going to keep me occupied between now and then and as bad as my taste is I think they'll keep people on here entertained as well.
  15. Hmmm. How can I word this to make the whole situation seem acceptable? Oh... Let's try this... *swear-word* happens. Something happens (Random bugs pop up which require more effort and time than planned etc.) and the completion time of things get pushed back. It happens with everything else as well as game creation. It's just like what was said earlier. It's impossible for developers to win. If it isn't released on the originally stated date everyone takes stupidly as gospel then the developers get burned at the stake but if they release a half-finished game on the originally stated date they get thrown into a pit of fire because OMGUNFINISHEDPRODUCTWASTEDMONEY. At the end of the day, it's a game, life goes on.
  16. Aye, sounds like what I've been reading. Quite possibly the first game in ages which was made for the PC and then badly ported to consoles. I'm not complaining :p
  17. It's a GTA clone which is set in the 50s. Loads of gangs, specifically Italian gangs if it's like the original. It has a lot more feel to it than GTA has ever done in my opinion, you actually feel like you belong in the city instead of just being some random guy from a random country who got thrown out of a plane and sticks out like a sore thumb. The original's storyline was/is better than most of the GTA story-lines, too.
  18. Eggface, trollololol. Predictable outcome was predictable. In all seriousness I can't say I'm suprised. But as other people have said I'd prefer they delay it and get it right to begin with instead of making us play a game which desperately needs patching for two months. Ahwell, atleast I have more time for the other seven or so games I want to buy this year.
  19. Lol, I'll get it re-mapped when my insurance isn't something to cry about. That'll be the only un-original thing about the whole car. My car seems to have a bottomless fuel tank as well. Last time I put diesel in it I put £60 in and there was still room for plenty more. Not suprising I'm getting 500-600 miles on one tank of fuel. I wont get that this time though, I've been racing people on this tank of fuel :nuts:
  20. Better to try it on PC from what I've read. Seems like they've made the PC version first and then ported it to the consoles because people are saying it doesn't play anywhere near as good on the consoles. From my point of view it looks better than GTA IV and it runs smoother than GTA IV and I suspect the story-line will be a lot more interesting if the original game was anything to go by so it's already beaten GTA IV in my opinion.
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