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Everything posted by GTAMADDOG

  1. I've driven an old shape Hilux around a muddy field, like the one shown in one of your photos. Infact it's red like the one which was on Top Gear. That was quite fun. Especially when some sheep decided it'd be great to jump through a hedge and make me swerve.
  2. You can't fault Samsungs image quality and styling but I'm not sure if their reliability is up to scratch. I know that first hand with my 22 inch Samsung monitor. It had to be sent off for repairs at the beginning of the year because of an apparently common capacitor problem which caused the screen to flicker and eventually stop working at all. My dad has a ~25 year old Toshiba TV which is still going well. I haven't seen any LCD/Plasma TVs from them, though.
  3. I'll see about entering this week. I don't have any games installed at the moment because I re-installed Windows 7. I really don't want to install Call of Duty 4, though. I hate that game. I've also banned myself from playing Counter Strike, lol.
  4. Aside from the cost I think I'd quite like a Mac. I've used a few before and they seemed pretty cool but the pricing isn't a strong point. I'll stick to my PC. As said, this isn't a great forum to ask such a question on. It'll just end up like the threads about Xbox vs. PS3 with a load of fanboys saying everyone else is a fanboy when they're blatently a fanboy themselves.
  5. I have an LG TV which is about 26 inch if I remember correctly. The picture quality is rubbish on anything other than high definition most of the time (useless for me because only my PS3 uses HD), in comparison to my dads Panasonic. The signal strength on my Freeview channels is always pretty much maximum and there are hardly any display options to change in the menu. Get a Samsung.
  6. Finally a theme where people can't use Forza 3, it's about time.
  7. Wow. I'm not even going to think about entering this week because I wont stand a chance.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dphpDdfZUGw Thank you GTA for yet again bringing another great song back into my life. Brings back some memories.
  9. I've hardly cracked a smile while on either console, even on a brand new game. The only time I really had fun was on Xbox Live on GTA IV with a friend from real life when he was trying to cut my head off using helicopter rotor blades while I was running around trying to find a car. All the other online instances I've been on I've been left feeling pretty empty and fed up. To me they both don't seem very involving and from my perspective/experience there is no social side to online gaming on them either, I don't like using headsets but I've hardly heard anyone else in a game using theirs either besides some little kids who shouldn't be on GTA saying "HAI GUIZ HOW DU I GET DAW HELICAPTA CUZ I CANNAE FIND IT" through a really dodgy connection. PS3 Pros from my perspective: - Feels and looks like a quality product compared to the 360. - At the risk of starting another argument although I don't intend to, my PS3 has not produced slow-downs, lock-ups or any other strange behaviour. - Menus seem easier to navigate and read through than the Xbox Dashboard - Web browser is an excellent alternative to me getting up and walking to the other side of the house to turn on my computer. - I can re-charge the controller while I play, it's not wireless during this time but I don't care because the charging cable allows me to sit in the same place as I do wirelessly. I also don't have to faff about with stupid re-chargable batteries all the time. - I prefer the smaller controller despite having quite large hands. - It was alot easier to connect my PS3 to my PC than it was to connect my Xbox to my PC so I can listen to my music, watch movies, etc. which are on my PC. - Believe it or not my PS3 actually cost less than my Xbox 360 and has eight times the storage space. - Due to HDMI it produces a much better quality picture on my TV. - Online service costs nothing. PS3 Cons from my perspective: - A distinct lack of games which I actually like. - Not many of my friends actually have/use a PS3. - My friends that do have a console mostly have an Xbox 360. - My console doesn't have backwards compatability which I was rather looking forward to because I could finally return to playing GT4 and all the other PS2 classics but alas, in my haste I bought the version which lacks this feature. Obviously this is my fault. - Online service leaves alot to be desired.
  10. The Enzo 'Replica' looks like a wedge of cheese and is purely loltastic. I quite like the Carrera GT Replica, though. It's quite a cool little thing in my opinion and atleast when you get in the car it has a Porsche interior instead of getting in and thinking "Why the hell am I suddenly in a '91 Toyota when the outside looks like a Porsche?"
  11. Reminds me how because I bought Test Drive Unlimited off an eBay seller I ended up getting it a week before it's official release because the trader already had loads of copies in stock. There were loads of people online, even then, although I think about only 1% of them were English.
  12. I liked how quickly the second trailer came along, I liked some of the new video clips. That was about it. 5/10, too. Seen to much of the same in the first trailer. The next needs new cars, car sounds, less to do with the character's social life and more clips showing off the island.
  13. I wouldn't class not wanting to spend £650+ on a new turbo as being a cheapskate. Maybe a £10 wheel bearing but not something that costs that much. The turbo on my dads Fabia VRS used to be quite loud, as in it sounded like we had a siren on the car, then it started to not work most of the time and the engine management light came on the dashboard. Took it to a garage who luckily didn't rip him off by saying he needed a new turbo and they said that it needed cleaning out. They did that, the turbo works all the time now and is back to how quiet it was on it's first day on the open road. Although I doubt your car has the same type of turbo. Man that car was gutless without the turbo working :(
  14. Nice car. My friend has a 206, it's only the 1.4, but he only passed his driving test last year. It's a nice little car. I probably would've had a HDI version of a 206 instead of my 306 if the 206's weren't so much more expensive to buy in the first place.
  15. My thoughts exactly. Well, I honestly don't really care about the Zonda or R8 that much either. I need to see more cars. My heart is begging to see some new cars and I'm not seeing them. I'd honestly think after two trailers that we wouldn't discovered alot more about the game, but obviously I'm wrong. Roughly five months or slightly longer until the game is supposed to be released and they've only made the few cars we've seen so far? Nah, I don't and wont believe that, unless they plan on just plainly converting all the old cars over from TDU1 which in my opinion would be a pretty half arsed effort.
  16. In the same garage clip where you can see the R8 what are the two cars at the back of the shot? I'm guessing the dark coloured car on the right is the SRT-8 but what about the one opposite? It's early in the morning and the video quality is pretty rubbish in college even in HD.
  17. Even though this discussion about controversy is going on I still voted for CarMadMike. The others were good entries too, but CMM's was my favourite.
  18. They wont because they all praise Jeremy Clarkson's every biased word so much. My car doesn't smell of diesel at all, I haven't seen a puff of smoke from the exhaust and when it's moving it sounds like any other petrol car. It's hardly the latest model either. Oh, and what's this? It costs the same as a 1.4 petrol 306 to insure but I'd happily bet quite a lot of money that it'd beat it and even the 1.6 in a race. A diesel which wont have ZOMGZORST noises when I want to be a silly boy racer but will out-gun any typical boy-racer Fiesta or Corsa but still save me a few quid in fuel? I know what I'll choose any day :p Don't knock it 'til you've tried it. Oh and how can the turbo not tempt you when it finally spools up :lol:
  19. Thanks for the scans. I think I'm one of the very few people not bothered about cars such as the One-77 being Club Exclusives. They'd be one of the last cars I'd drive even if they weren't Club Exclusives...
  20. Well, yesterday I wrote out a stupidly long essay trying not to anger anybody who owned either console. Because I personally prefer the PC over both consoles so I thought I had a pretty unbias view. But I didn't have time to post it so saved it in a text file which Nod32 decided was a trojan and deleted. I honestly thought this thread was started to help someone decide which console to get but from my point of view it's starting to turn into a fanboy war as these types of threads always do. At the end of the day it's down to personal preference and what you want to get out of a console. Each have their strengths and weaknesses which you will need to weigh up depending on what you want out of a console. Neither is better than the other in my point of view. It's pretty easy to do a Google Search to find out what features each console has from an unbias source which will help you make the right decision.
  21. I hope it's tomorrow. I doubt I'll be doing much in college tomorrow, as per usual. Ha ha.
  22. Nice. It looks like a really tidy example for £300. The 1.9TDs are bulletproof, too. I was going to give you some more wheels to look at if you were interested but I'm sat in college and the internet speed has been dire here for the last three days. It took me five minutes to load Google.
  23. Ha ha, yeh. I've seen your thread already but didn't realise you had posted in mine. Welcome to the 306 club :) My heater fan has been fine. I need to sort out my Air Conditioning, though. I don't know if it's a fuse, or if it needs re-gassing or God forbid if it's the usual 306 case of the pipes corroding. I'm not too bothered, I prefer to have the windows down any day. Turns out my cigarette lighter didn't work although it didn't look like it had ever been used, sorted that by putting a new fuse in. I don't smoke but I needed it working to keep my Sat Nav charged on a trip to Milton Keynes the other week. I also need to sort out my passenger side airbag, the plug isn't inserted properly and I get the Air Bag light flashing at me every time I drive the car, common problem which is easily solved. Alloys transform any car. Although I'm one of those people who prefer to use manufacturer wheels as opposed to after-market ones out of Halfrauds. If they are the 205 GTI alloys I'm thinking of then they'll look pretty smart and OEM on your car. Nah, it's not a boost gauge which I was disappointed about. It turns out it's an oil level gauge. It checks the amount of oil every time you start the car and then returns to 0 after ten seconds. Although everyone advises new owners not to trust it because it's French electronics and for owners to check the oil level the old way by using the Dip Stick. I definitely can't complain about minor issues considering the price paid was £600 less than other extremely similar 306s. I'm sad and I still check eBay/Auto-Trader/Piston Heads today to see if any like mine have come up at the same price and there haven't been any. I was originally looking at the 1.9TDs but after a couple of insurance quotes the HDI worked out cheaper for me to insure. Try Pug306.net if you would like some forums to use and ask for help on problems with the car if you need it or if you just want to find out things about it. I'm signed up to it under this name although I haven't posted anything since my Introduction thread.
  24. Yes. I'm fed up of all the latest tat being shoved into games with no recognition of the greats.
  25. I think I'll stick to failing on Bad Company 2 Multiplayer for the time being.
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